Cima di Castello Climber's Log

Viewing: 1-2 of 2 - Jun 2, 2006 12:50 pm Date Climbed: Jun 1, 2006

Swiss normal  Sucess!

Normal route from ref. Albigna.Very cold and windy.

Mathias Zehring

Mathias Zehring - Jun 3, 2005 1:10 am Date Climbed: Apr 4, 1999

Route Climbed: ski route from Forno hut  Sucess!

this was one of my longest ski trips with more than 2000m ascent:

downhill to Forno glacier (app. 2400 m) - ascent to Passo di Cantun (3265 m) - downhill to Bocchetta dal Castel (3106 m) - summit ascent - downhill to Albigna lake (app. 2100 m) - ascent to Pass da Casnil Sud (2941 m) - downhill to Forno glacier (2400m) - ascent to Forno hut (2574m)

great ski trip but weather wasn't fine for the summit that we reached stuck in clouds

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