Kyle Peak Climber's Log

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Tracy - Dec 18, 2015 8:14 pm Date Climbed: Dec 18, 2015

from the south (Grassy Canyon)  Sucess!

I hiked this one with Chris Kidd and we started where the 4wd road crosses Grassy Canyon wash. We came in from Kyle Canyon and came out where Lucky Strike Road intersects US95 near the Corn Creek turnoff. The section of road near the Kyle Canyon Road turnoff and the section between where we parked to hike and Lucy Strike wash were truly impassable to most vehicles including most stock 4wds. We were very fortunate to have made it through the washed out portions without incident. We did see half a dozen mule deer - 3 of which were bucks with considerable racks.

Oh, and the hike was sublime, following game trails along the gradual southern ridge for a little over a mile and about 950 feet of overall elevation gain.


redsplashman23 - Apr 9, 2007 11:44 am Date Climbed: Apr 4, 2007

Kyle Peak from the North  Sucess!

Nice short weekday hike with great views. Great short escape from the Vegas metro.

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