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Hike Peaks Along Wasatch Range


Posted by Tina on Feb 12, 2012
Page Views: 559

Activity Details

Date: Anytime
Location: Utah, United States
City or Place: Utah, US
Skill Level: Intermediate
Categories: Hiking
Partner Status: Want Partners


I am looking for like-minded individuals who want to hike the prominent peaks along the Wasatch Range, namely those in Utah Valley, and Salt Lake Valley. Since I am female and prefer not to hike alone, I need a group of physically fit people with whom to bag peaks during the summer and fall (2012). I plan to hike several peaks each month of the summer and a few in the fall. Will be available to hike any day of the week except Sundays. I am an avid runner, biker and hiker so I would like to hike with those who are very good condition.


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achillesgallahadwasatch mountain club


Contact the Wasatch Mountain Club, or check out their online calendar. They go about everyday somewhere and you can join different fitness level "teams" to specific mountains, as they will have a slow group to Lone Peak and a fast group. But beware their slow groups. A lot of speedsters who need to show off sign up with the slow groups and push the pace, rather than going with the fast group where they might not get to lead. I stopped going with them as the main group is older and seemed not to like having a man in his 20s around.

wasatchmountainclub.org, 801-463-9842
Posted Apr 6, 2012 8:47 pm

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