Descent of Trident de Comboé after the climb<br> of the entire Monte Emilius's  SW spur

Descent of Trident de Comboé after the climb
of the entire Monte Emilius's SW spur

Monte Emilius (3559 m), C. R. Ferronato, scendendo dal Trident de Comboé dopo la salita integrale del contrafforte S-O (04 agosto 1974).
Foto di Osvaldo Cardellina
C. R. Ferronato, descending from Trident de Comboé after the climb of the entire SW spur of Monte Emilius 3559m (Aug 04, 1974).
Photo by Osvaldo Cardellina
Antonio Giani
on May 10, 2006 9:25 am