Zelovo Sinjsko (village) - summit of Svilaja 1509 m. Climber's Log

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NardiSt - Aug 11, 2011 4:50 am Date Climbed: Feb 27, 2010

Orlove stine-Svilaja  Sucess!

Route: mountain house Orlove stine-peak Svilaja-Bat(1508m)-mountain house Orlove stine


Branko - May 18, 2009 4:23 am Date Climbed: May 3, 2009

Route Climbed: From Eagle rocks mountain hut  Sucess!

It was a great experience...we stayed over night at the Eagle rocks mountain hut (which is still under construction) and next morning we started under the rain towards the Svilaja peak and later on the half way up to the summit it was snowing. The view from the summit was not so good, but anyhow it was interesting to feel a few completely different weather conditions in only couple of hours. Upon our return to the hut it was already a normal sunny day!

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