Malý Rozsutec Climber's Log

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theaverageclimber - Feb 20, 2019 10:21 am Date Climbed: Feb 7, 2019

Canyon to peak  Sucess!

Parked down on the road and went for a walk up through Janosikove Diery and continued all the way up to the top where the canyon ended and a little further to a saddle with sparse pine trees. Snow covered the route up to the peak and most of the cable that aids hikers was buried so had to kick steps and take it slow. Returned down the opposite side which was steep and the snow was icy. Great solo adventure.


jck - Jun 6, 2016 5:46 am

Twice  Sucess!

My first trip to Mala Fatra in 1994 (I guess...). Rainy, foggy but had a great time in Diery. I was very dissapointed that we cannot continue to Velky Rozsutec, but, all in all, I had a great memories.

Made the second ascent in 2022. Perfect weather this time!


yatsek - Apr 29, 2016 6:57 am

Twice  Sucess!

I first climbed the mountain in the early 2000s. We (my younger daughter and I) started that day with an ascent of Veľký Rozsutec, then climbed Malý Rozsutec and got back to Terchova via the Diery. On 20 June 2024 I (this time alone) also ascended Malý Rozsutec from Medzirozsutce, also after climbing Veľký Rozsutec, but this time I descended down the west face to Podrozsutec and Biely Potok-Solisko.

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