Fuel tablets

Fuel tablets
Page Type Gear Category
Object Title Fuel tablets
Page By toc
Created/Edited Jul 27, 2009 / Jul 29, 2009
Object ID 6284
Hits 6130
Page Score 0%

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Category Description

...are cheap and lightweight solution used primarily for cooking with Fold-Up Pocket Stoves like Esbit, but they can be used as lifesavers in survival kit as well. They are easy to light, and can serve as firestarter and a heat source in or outside a tent (with proper ventilation). Fuel tablets can be used on a rock or on the dirt, but as they are sensitive to wind, an improvised wind screen should be used. Tablets are non-toxic and non-explosive, can be partially used and re-lit, emit no harmful vaporsand and leave no ash residue Useable burn time per cube is normally up to 15 minutes. Packages vary by manufacturer - usually 8 to 12 cubes, 1 cube will boil 1 pint of water in 7 to 8 minutes.


Tablets are actually pressed blocks of Hexamethylenetetramine,
but they're more commonly reffered to as
Hexamine fuel cubes / tablets or just solid fuel tablets.

Tablets are hygroscopic, and should be stored and
packed dry and densely.

Single tablet weight is normally between .5 and .7 oz

The calorific value is about 31300 kJ / kg.


- Esbit

- Stansport

- Overseas Industries SdN. BHD., Malaysia ("Volcano" brand)
