

Page Type Gear Review
Object Title Kilowatt
Manufacturer Black Diamond
Page By alpine climber
Page Type Oct 22, 2007 / Jul 7, 2010
Object ID 4165
Hits 7755

Product Description

From Black Diamond:
"Geared lower than the Verdict, the Kilowatt is the Black Diamond-employee go-to ski when conditions are uncertain."


Series :

Weight Per Pair :
3.8 kg, 8 lb 6 oz (estimated, 185 cm)

Dimensions :
127-95-115 (185 cm)
125-95-113 (175 cm)
123-95-111 (165 cm)
121-95-109 (155 cm)

Turn Radius :
24.5 m (185 cm)
22.5 m (175 cm)
20.5 m (165 cm)
18.5 m (155 cm)

Materials :
3D CNC poplar core, 3D damping, high-speed sintered bases, MicroGlass laminates

Construction :
Formula One Tech, Double Torsion Box, Poplar Core, Power Edge

Retails for $579.99

Powder Magazine - Skier's Choice Award 2010
Skiing Magazine - Official Selection - Backcountry 2010
Telemark Skier Magazine - Telemark Skier Award 2009 and 2010
Powder Magazine - Skier's Choice Award 2009


Skiing Magazine:
The Kilowatt has all the flex of an oak stump, sticks to groomers and doesn't get nervous at speed. In powder it's smooth and predictable. Gripes: A bit stiff for slow turns and too narrow for waist-deep days. Props:Good performance in crud and on groomers for such a narrow big-mountain ski. And the firm tail pops you out of turns. Tester's take: 'If you want something light and easy to turn - despite its stiffness - this is your ski.'"

Backcountry Magazine:
"Designed to blend the stability of the Verdict with the quickness and power of the Havoc, the Kilowatt is lighter than both, and sized down to a femme-friendly 155cm. Western skiers hammered it both tele and AT, and it kept the lights on in each mode. 'Solid ski with a lot of rebound in fast turns,' said one tester. 'Snappy, great pop and lightweight,' said another. 'Great for bc and in-bounds.' With a greater range of test conditions, Eastern testers had more varied responses. 'Skied plates and piles well. Smooth and stable arcs and very predictable,' said the Dean of Testers. 'A bit blah in terms of recoil, but good holding power front to back,' said another. One more, finding that it could alternate current between the backcountry and frontside, said,' Although they required a little more effort to pull around a slower speeds, their amped-up flex and torsional rigidity provide the necessary support and response for hard charging.'"

Powder Magazine
"A mid-season release last year, the KiloWatt combines the stability of the bigger Verdict with the versatility of the smaller Havoc. Lightweight and smooth, the KiloWatt has equal parts quickness, power and float."



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Ed F - Apr 3, 2010 9:44 am - Voted 4/5

Great ski
I use this ski when conditions are less than stellar (for the Wasatch, this means knee deep instead of chest deep). It has plenty of float for moderate powder, but it sinks too much in the deepest. Despite being pretty stiff, it skis easy and initiates turns with ease. I don't ski in resorts, but I'd wager this ski would be great for groomers and icy resort conditions.

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