Max Cams


Page Type Gear Review
Object Title Max Cams
Manufacturer Trango
Page By desainme
Page Type Mar 19, 2005 / Mar 19, 2005
Object ID 9960
Hits 1603
Max Cams™

''Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.''

These insightful words by the French explorer, Antoine de Saint-Exupery, praising the simple perfection of his airplane, speak eloquently to the thinking behind the new MaxCams™. The extraordinary 2:1 expansion range is achieved, not though complex and weighty engineering, but through out-of-the-box thinking and focused design. The result is a set of simple and lightweight cams that will feel at home in your hands from the first trigger pull.

All of our MaxCams™ are carefully crafted in the United States at manufacturing facilities rated to ISO 9002 to assure the highest quality, safety and consistency.

US Patent # 5,860,629

Available in six sizes from tips to stacked hands.

Available May, 2005.

Price: $59.95 – 79.95


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