OCEAN Potion, Instant Burn Relief ICE


OCEAN Potion, Instant Burn Relief ICE
Page Type Gear Review
Object Title OCEAN Potion, Instant Burn Relief ICE
Manufacturer Sun & Skin Care Research, Inc.
Page By Vic Hanson
Page Type Feb 13, 2008 / Feb 13, 2008
Object ID 4758
Hits 14017

Product Description and Features


Instant Burn Relief Ice provides pain relief from sunburns immediately after applying to the skin. Made naturally with pure Aloe Vera Gel and Lidocaine. Use on sunburns, windburns, minor burns and other skin irritations.

Non-sticky and will not stain.
Pure and natural.
Only necessary stabilizers and preservatives are added.

Aloe Gel

Aloe Gel

They also have a Aloe Vera Gel that is good for sunburn and other skin burns, which is also very good.

100% Pure Aloe Vera Gel is known worldwide for its healing and soothing qualities for the skin. Regular use will help heal, soothe and condition the skin. Also moisturizes and helps maintain tan for weeks longer with regular use. Use on sunburns, windburns, minor burns and other skin irritations.

Non-sticky and will not stain.
Pure and natural.
Only necessary stabilizers and preservatives are added.



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Vic Hanson - Feb 13, 2008 10:43 pm - Voted 5/5

I spell relief OCEAN POTION
There are many times I think I will only be out for a short hike and don't remember, or think I need, sunscreen. When I get back to the house, the first thing I reach for (well, second, after a cold drink of water) is Ocean Potion. It really does take the pain away and it also helps prevent it from peeling later on. The sooner you use it the better, but it even helps hours later if you don't have it available as soon as you need it. It feels very cold on a hot sunburn!

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