Vinyl LP Polythene sleeves


Vinyl LP Polythene sleeves
Page Type Gear Review
Object Title Vinyl LP Polythene sleeves
Page By Nanuls
Page Type Sep 12, 2007 / Sep 12, 2007
Object ID 3942
Hits 5936

Product Description

Plain, ordinary 50 x 12" Vinyl LP Polythene/Poly/PVC sleeves (covers), that come in multipacks and are usually used for protecting your music collection, but better still can also be used to protect you maps!

You can buy them at all good music shops or online.



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Nanuls - Sep 12, 2007 8:54 am - Voted 5/5

Simplicity at its best
I have used these bags as map cases since I was a nipper for mountaineering, walking, orienteering and generaly everything that requieres me to use a map case. They are increadibly cheap, durable, light, flexible, compactable and versatile, outdoing pretty much all built for purpose map cases at their own game. Best of all it doesn't matter if you lose or trash them because you can buy them in bulk and the cost next to nothing. Take my advice and get some.

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