Yalumi spark


Yalumi spark
Page Type Gear Review
Object Title Yalumi spark
Manufacturer yalumi spark
Page By nartreb
Page Type Sep 11, 2015 / Dec 9, 2015
Object ID 8646
Hits 2397

Product Description

Small, lightweight, simple headlamp with a very bright, very narrow beam.

"White LED with 105-lumen light output and 90-meter beam length provides 187 hours burn time in economy mode and 95 hours in brightest mode... 3 AAA batteries included... 2.7 oz"


Three modes: narrow beam, wider and brighter, and flashing spotlight.



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nartreb - Sep 11, 2015 11:43 am - Voted 3/5

nice at the price, but limited
You can find this model online for $15, which is a really attractive price.

The first thing you'll notice is that the beam is really bright - WAY brighter than, say, an ordinary Petzl Tikka.

In fact it's too bright for use close-up at night, like for reading a map, without completely ruining your night vision. But it's great for getting a good view of something at a moderate distance, say for reading a trail sign across a stream, or identifying a person approaching your campsite.

The second thing you'll notice is that the beam is extremely narrow. You could easily miss a branch in the trail unless you're constantly sweeping the beam around. That's inconvenient if the lamp is mounted on your forehead.

I'll also mention that the switch is vulnerable to turning on accidentally inside your pack, leading to dead batteries.

I'll often carry two or more headlamps if I know I'm going to be hiking or climbing at night, and I'll keep a Yalumi as a second or third light: the extra throw will come in handy often enough, and it's really light and small. I've also stashed a few of these around the house and in the glove box for use as a task light while doing repairs. But with such a narrow beam it's not the best choice for everyday camping or night hiking.

You might also condier on of the many dual-throw headlamps on the market, including the Yalumi Spark Pro (which I haven't tried) the Princeton Tec Remix (which I use: it has more throw than, say, a Tikka, but less than the Yalumi Spark), and others, in the $30 price range.

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