
Page Type Page Type: Route
Location Lat/Lon: 44.64240°N / 15.04330°E
Additional Information Route Type: Hike
Additional Information Time Required: Most of a day
Additional Information Difficulty: Walk up
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Satorina can be approached from 4 directions. 2 of those lead from Premuziceva Staza path which traverses slopes of seaboard peaks streak on its way along Mid Velebit.
1st approach leads over Ogradjenica pass where small Ogradjenica refuge (1400m) stands. 2nd approach leads over Matijevic Brijeg. It is more panoramic but quite steep. On this page are only described branches from Premuziceva Staza. How to reach them see Alan – Radlovac (VPP) route or Radlovac & VPP from the coast, depending from where you are coming.
3rd and most popular approach leads from Stirovaca valley and has 2 variations. One leads from Jovanovic Padez meadow, which is in the center of Stirovaca, and the other leads from Klepina Duliba which is SE corner of Stirovaca. They meet on Dokozina Plan and further up with Ogradjenica path, well before summit. These two trailheads are usually used by visitors with cars, which makes them shortest. If you are coming from the coast, Alan or Ostarije passes directions approaches from Premuziceva Staza are logical choice. Also they are more beautiful.
4th approach leads from Kugina Kuca refuge which is placed south of Satorina, in the middle of Mid Velebit. Kugina Kuca stands by the Velebit longitudinal road and can be accessed by car from various direction but also on foot using roads or several approaches from Premuziceva Staza path.

Satorina from VPP via Ogradjenica: 1.40h

From the junction on Premuziceva Staza (VPP) path gradually ascends (also built by Ante Premuzic) going far right (SE direction, parallel with VPP). After 10mins there is sharp 180° bend which takes you in opposite direction. After additional 5mins you are out of beech forest at the edge of Ogradjenica meadows. Right above, 2mins away, is small green metal can or Ogradjenica (1400m) refuge, standing by the ruins of hut from 1935. Here is also a junction where left branch leads towards Ogradjenik (1604m) that is 30mins away and dominates the view with its massive grassy dome. Beautiful view towards the sea opens from here too while on the right is cone of Malovan (1611m).

Path continues forward making semi circle around northern edge of Ogradjenica meadows through nice beech forest. After 10mins you are shortly on the grass before reaching forested Ripiste pass, few dozen meters behind, which is placed between Ogradjenik and Malovan. It is interesting how small beeches are stunted and distorted on this windy passage between peaks.

In next 25-30mins path gradually descents above deep Doline basin (bottom 1256m) going through tame beech forests while on one very nice spot is cut into the cliffs above the basin. Once down on forest road, continue straight for a minute till the large parking where path turns right into the forest. Another minute forwards, and slightly down, you are on the junction where from left Stirovaca valley paths approaches.

Satorina is straight forward. Path winds through beautiful beech forest with some spruce and fir, gradually ascending, making circles around hollows or coves. As you get higher trees become lower, stunted by winds, especially Bura. After 25mins you are out of the forest and great view opens in all directions, in front is massive pyramid of Satorina, left Stirovaca valley. Slopes in front are overgrown by dense colonies of dwarf pine. Path continues forward through short beech grove and dwarf pine making gradual right turn at steady angle. It takes 15mins to reach western shoulder where dwarf pine is suddenly replaced by juicy grassy slopes. Here is junction where from right Matijevic Brijeg path from VPP approaches. Just few dozen meters behind is another junction where path from Kugina Kuca refuge approaches.

In short 10mins around soft western and southern slopes, with fantastic views, path reaches the summit of Satorina.

Satorina from VPP via Matijevic Brijeg: 2h

From the junction on Premuziceva Staza (VPP), near Gornje Korito source, path begins to ascent steeply through beech forest. After 15mins you’ll pass just by the beautiful meadow. Because of sea view from the rock on its edge it worth to make a little detour.

Ascent continues relentlessly gaining altitude through ever lower beech forest. After 30mins through stunted beeches you exit forest and find yourself on nice grassy slopes of Matijevic Brijeg. Views towards sea literally explode.

Shortly after path reaches nice round meadow. Behind is steep ascent on top of which you are on the ridge of Matijevic Brijeg, 10-15mins from forest. Sea views are now joined by those towards east and north. in front, across the area of funnel shaped depressions, is nicely shaped cone of Satorina.

Path turns left going over the panoramic ridge some 5mins before it turns right and begins to descent towards undulating area of funnel shaped depressions, meadows and forests which divides Satorina from Matijevic Brijeg. Path uses system of ridges between them to reach Satorina. You’ll pass over meadows and through tame beech groves before hitting steep slopes of Satorina. In 10mins of steep ascent you are on the junction, 20-30mins from Matijevic Brijeg, where from left standard path from Stirovaca and Ogradjenica approaches.

Towards right is short 10mins, around soft western and southern slopes with fantastic views, till the summit of Satorina.

Satorina from Stirovaca: 1.30 or 2-2.45h

Jovanovic Padez variation
From Stirovaca meadow in the northern corner of Stirovaca go towards south using Velebit longitudinal road. After 2km you’ll reach a branch where you should turn right on macadam. Sign on the tree points ‘Satorina’. After 0.2km one branch leads left to nearby Jovanovic Padez meadow, where are few leisure houses (not visible from the road). After another 0.6km there is wide junction with forest road. Leave the car here. If you are on foot it takes some 45mins to get here from Stirovaca.

Further marks follow the left macadam branch. In 5-10mins you’ll reach a point where marked path turns right, away from macadam. In next 30mins ascent is gradual, as path goes far left, till you reach the road from Dundovic Padez (it branches from Alan pass – Mrkviste junction road) at the edge of beautiful Dokozina Plan (1260m) meadow. On the macadam turn left. Just dozen meters behind is junction where from left Klepina Duliba variation approaches. From Dokozina Plan beautiful view towards Satorina opens. Lately forest service opened several new tractor tracks which lead from the meadow in various direction. Lot of trees have been cut on the surrounding slopes and much of the beauty has been ruined. Macadam from Alan road is good so one can get here by car too, although it is much better to walk from Stirovaca valley. Among the bad forest tracks one good macadam continues to ascend towards Ogradjenik so those that prefer driving as close as possible can shorten ascent by another 25mins.

Path enters the forest at the end of large parking, right edge of the meadow. It continues to gradually ascent through beech forest some 20mins till the junction where it joins Ogradjenica path from VPP. Macadam cuts the path at one point between Dokozina Plan and junction. Right of junction, few dozen meters away, is parking of macadam from Dokozina Plan.

Satorina is left. For further going see description in Ogradjenica section above. Till this junction it takes 1h from the Stirovaca valley and 1.45h if on foot from Stirovaca meadow. From the junction is another 55mins to the summit.

Klepina Duliba variation
5.5km from Stirovaca meadow, behind the sharp bend that road makes around forest workers houses, forest road branches towards right. 1km later marks leave the road and ascent steeply some 15mins till the junction on Dokozina Plan.

For further going see Jovanovic Padez variation above. From the road it takes some 1.30h to the summit.

Satorina from Kugina Kuca refuge: 2h

Just by the Kugina Kuca refuge is junction on Velebit longitudinal road where forest road branches towards Tezakovac and Satorinski Doci forested valley below Satorina. Marks follow that road almost till it very end at the foot of Satorina. There are no views on the way as road is in deep forests of inner Velebit.

20mins from Kugina Kuca is junction where is left towards VPP and Radlovac via Smojverske Dulibe.

Some 40mins behind, at the foot of Satorina, marks leave the road and turn left uphill. After 30mins of steep ascent you are on the shoulder at top of the slope. Marks here turn right and more gradually continue to ascent. After few minutes it turn left and soon leaves the forest behind. Steep ascent leads up the grassy southern slopes of Satorina and in 20mins you are on the junction with standard route.

Towards right is short 10mins, around soft western and southern slopes with fantastic views, till the summit of Satorina.


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