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rgg - Oct 14, 2014 7:08 am - Hasn't voted

About the Page Type

Hi Howard,

Just a heads up: If this is intended as your personal scratch pad, either just until you're ready to have others read it or permanently, the most suitable page type would be "Custom Object", not "Article". Alternatively, if this will be a regular trip report before long, you can already select "Trip Report" as page type.

While editing, you can change the page type yourself.

Cheers, Rob

howard - Oct 14, 2014 2:04 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: About the Page Type

Hi Rob,

This is my first time posting here, still figuring things out, I'll change the page type until I have it fleshed out.



rgg - Oct 17, 2014 11:02 am - Hasn't voted

Re: About the Page Type

Sure, take all the time you want. Custom objects are ignored by most members anyway (and unless the title suggests something real interesting, I ignore them too), and you can experiment as much as you like before posting something real.

Some active members even have several custom objects to do that, and keep reusing them. Then, when it's about finished, the thing to do is to create a new object and copy/paste everything from the custom object into it. The reason for that is that part of the active SP community follows what's newly posted, while much fewer people tend to look at older objects, even when their page type is changed. So, by creating a new object, your work gets noticed.

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