Route Climbed: Portillón Inferior Date Climbed: 5 May 2002
The high temperatures and a storm stopped us from reaching the summit of Aneto. Neither we couln't tread its glacier because of the soft snow on the SE slopes of Portillón Inferior. But we enjoyed a nice first day of mountaineer skiing. We started at dawn from Besurta and suffered til Portillón Inferior, then we went backwards. Due to the inminent cold front we surpassed Portillón Superior pushing forward to Glaciar de la Maladeta (my altimeter showed 3.030 m). We descended in the fog firstly and then snowing a little, the snow was too soft: you sank almost the leg in some places (without skis). Finally we reached the parking after more than 9 hours of suffering.
Route Climbed: Portillón Inferior Date Climbed: 28 July 1994
My father and me started early in the morning from Refugio de la Renclusa. We ascended almost directly to Portillón Inferior under a burning sun, descended to Glaciar del Aneto. Then we crossed this glacier, reached the slope of Aneto, climbed it on rotten snow towards Paso de Maoma. Climbed through it and summited, started the descent and finished at Refugio de la Renclusa in the twilight (after 11 hike-hours). We get lost a little bit when descending to this hut.
Diego Sahagún - May 8, 2002 4:59 am
Route Climbed: Portillón Inferior Date Climbed: 5 May 2002The high temperatures and a storm stopped us from reaching the summit of Aneto. Neither we couln't tread its glacier because of the soft snow on the SE slopes of Portillón Inferior. But we enjoyed a nice first day of mountaineer skiing. We started at dawn from Besurta and suffered til Portillón Inferior, then we went backwards. Due to the inminent cold front we surpassed Portillón Superior pushing forward to Glaciar de la Maladeta (my altimeter showed 3.030 m). We descended in the fog firstly and then snowing a little, the snow was too soft: you sank almost the leg in some places (without skis). Finally we reached the parking after more than 9 hours of suffering.
Diego Sahagún - Apr 30, 2002 2:58 pm
Route Climbed: Portillón Inferior Date Climbed: 28 July 1994My father and me started early in the morning from Refugio de la Renclusa. We ascended almost directly to Portillón Inferior under a burning sun, descended to Glaciar del Aneto. Then we crossed this glacier, reached the slope of Aneto, climbed it on rotten snow towards Paso de Maoma. Climbed through it and summited, started the descent and finished at Refugio de la Renclusa in the twilight (after 11 hike-hours). We get lost a little bit when descending to this hut.