kamil - Nov 1, 2008 7:06 pm - Voted 10/10
Brawo Iwona!Great report of a wonderful trip, and a good and wise decision to bail out, the mountain is still there waiting for you!
Gratuluję świetnego rozpoznania i przygotowania, wszystko super zaplanowane, zupełnie odwrotnie niż... wiesz kto i co :)
Ivona - Nov 2, 2008 4:18 am - Hasn't voted
Re: Brawo Iwona!thanks Kamil!! It was my little dream for this autumn..and it came true!There are more new dreams now;)))lot of work;)
To byla cudowna podroz,pogoda zyleta..prognoza sprawdzila sie w 100%.To bajkowa dolina i juz nie moge sie doczekac az tam wroce na wiosne...tyle jeszcze tam do zrobienia!
Ja bylam tez przez pol drogi kierowca i w ogole logistykiem calej wyprawy..no jestem troche maniakiem planowania i zbierania info o miejscu zanim tam pojade.Co oczywiscie nie oznacza ze nie stac mnie na spontan;)tylko wiesz na wariata to ja juz sie wybralam na Grossa w tamtym roku i wszystko bylo takie nieposkladane..Nie chcialabym tego powtarzac.Ale czytalam niedawno Twoj raport z wyjazdu na Grossa..i musze przyznac ze masz fantazje;)w ogole jestem fanka Twoich balkanskich przygod!!tak trzymaj!
pozdrawiam cieplo
Mathias Zehring - Nov 2, 2008 1:19 pm - Voted 10/10
Fine!thank you for this nice report including some valuable information and great pictures. I'm glad you enjoyed your trip though you could not reach the summit. I'm surprised that no one did attack Wiesbachhorn NW face that weekend so you were alone.
Ivona - Nov 2, 2008 2:04 pm - Hasn't voted
Re: Fine!yes we were alone during 5 days!and also surprised that inspite of nearly 2 weeks perfect and stable weather without stronger snowing there were no visible footmarks on this route! Incredible..Perhaps then we could see the right ascent to Kaindlgrat and it would be faster..Anyway we reached other very nice summit in this area,so nothing lost;)I hope to be there again in spring and try Wiesbachhorn one more time.The route to Hocheiser seemed to be also very nice from Mooserboden side
georgen - Nov 5, 2008 12:11 pm - Voted 10/10
Good reportand nice pictures.Your trip report reminded me that I did couple of easy climbs in this area 10 years ago.Next time you can try traverse Gr.Wiesbachhorn-Klockerin-Gruberscharte bivouac-Oberwalder hut.Not diffulcut/PD-/but great views.
Ivona - Nov 5, 2008 12:27 pm - Hasn't voted
Re: Good reportthanks for your comment!yes,I have read also about this traverse and thought that it could be wonderful trip..I like this area very much,so it is highly propable that I will make such route someday
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