Route Climbed: North Fork, Skyline Date Climbed: several
Big Mountain! Trail isn't very steep no matter what route is taken, but plan on a long day. You'll feel it in the morning! Popular trail, so there's always good stories to swap and people to meet.
Route Climbed: Skyline Trail, North Fork Park, Willard Basin Date Climbed: several
Several ascents. Skyline trail and North Fork Park trails are long, but gentle grades make for easy hiking. Willard Basin route is short and sweet if you have a high clearance vehicle. Outstanding views.
grandwazoo - Sep 6, 2004 12:51 pm
Route Climbed: Northern Approach Date Climbed: August 2004Combined this with Willard peak from the north
Bootboy - May 29, 2004 2:54 am
Route Climbed: from divide Date Climbed: March 2001Attempted ski descent. Snow was scetchy so we decide better safe than sorry. Goat almost to the saddle though.
Bootboy - May 29, 2004 2:52 am
Route Climbed: Skyline trail from the divide Date Climbed: Septemper 2001Rode my bike all the way to the top. sweet sigle track coming down. nice sunny day. My friend bonked bad and had to crawl the last 100 feet, poor guy.
imontop - Jan 11, 2004 7:41 pm
Route Climbed: North Fork, Skyline Date Climbed: severalBig Mountain! Trail isn't very steep no matter what route is taken, but plan on a long day. You'll feel it in the morning! Popular trail, so there's always good stories to swap and people to meet.
MrWasatch - Dec 29, 2003 11:56 am
Route Climbed: Skyline Trail, North Fork Park, Willard Basin Date Climbed: severalSeveral ascents. Skyline trail and North Fork Park trails are long, but gentle grades make for easy hiking. Willard Basin route is short and sweet if you have a high clearance vehicle. Outstanding views.