Boshorn, E face

Boshorn, E face

The E face of Boshorn seen from the normal route to Seehorn. Wallis. Switzerland.
on Aug 4, 2008 8:14 am
Image Type(s): Panorama
Image ID: 428060


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lcarreau - Aug 19, 2008 3:41 pm - Voted 10/10

Bellissimma ...

I'm going to go out on a limb by stating that
Switzerland is well-protected by mountains,
and doesn't receive the amount of moisture in
the form of storms that Germany and Poland do.

Is that the remnants of a glacier? Looks like
the evergreens are receiving water from the
melting snows from above.

As above, so below!

Very nice foto, Marco! Have a great day!!!



Diveria - Aug 20, 2008 6:24 am - Hasn't voted

Re: Bellissimma ...

Switzerland is partially protected by the Alps, except for its northern area, where the storms coming from the atlantic ocean reaches the northern slopes of the highest mountains and remains blocked there. This is the case of the area at the feet of the famous Eiger, where numerous accidents due to these rain and snow storms have happeaned.

Hi Larry!

Yes! What you see is the remaining of an old glacier, I think it was still there some 10s of years ago.
Glaciers are becoming always little during these sumeers on the alps!

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