mjrangel - Aug 4, 2006 7:23 am Date Climbed: Jul 13, 2006
Great views of the Sierra from up there. It was pretty cool looking at Mt. Sill from across the owens valley which was our next destination in the days that followed. Thanks for inviting me John.
jsorber - Jul 28, 2006 6:40 am Date Climbed: Jul 13, 2006
So much scree
This was my first highpoint! We were at the peak by 10;00am and peaked montgomery also. Lot of fun on TERRIBLE scree!!
Ranboze - Jul 16, 2006 3:19 am Date Climbed: Jul 3, 2006
Perfect day on Boundary
Car camped at Queen Canyon Saddle and started our hike around 0640. Lots of volunteer trails heading up the north ridge, but they all seemed to end at the same spot. Very little wind and some nice puffy afternoon clouds made for a perfect day on Boundary. Continued over the traverse to Montgomery
IamLubos - Jul 13, 2006 11:22 pm Date Climbed: Oct 15, 2005
Took me four tries to make it up this darn peak. I have never seen a mountain with such a nasty weather. Finally summitted after getting an alpine start. TR is on my website.
Met a couple of local 395 guys that were trying to camp on Montgomery. They got turned around when one guy took an unplanned glissade off the ridge to Montgomery. He arrested himself and his pack with a hiking pole.
Holsti97 - Nov 8, 2005 3:44 pm Date Climbed: Oct 5, 2005
Route Climbed: Queen Canyon Mine Date Climbed: October 5, 2005
Stayed at the Bed & Breakfast in Benton Hot Springs, CA. Drove most of the way up the road across from the old brothel until we thought it was too rough for our rental. Started hiking at about 7:00 AM. Walked about a mile to the trailhead. Had a nice hike until we got to the rocks and scree. Got off the trail and had a lot of difficulty climbing on the rocks. Took a lot longer than normal. Signed the register and took some pictures and then headed down. We reached our Ford Expedition and then drove to Lone Pine, California to do Mount Whitney the next day. Desolate country. HP #4.
pdeangeli - Oct 4, 2005 4:34 pm Date Climbed: Oct 3, 2009
Route Climbed: Queen Mine Date Climbed: September 26, 2005
Got a little overconfident, late start, walked up the 4WD section of the road, and only made it to the top of the scree section at 12k or so, when the temp dropped 10 or 20 degrees, and nasty black clouds chased us out of there. Got snow and heavy rain on the way back to the mine.
Summited in spite of hat-flappin' migraine-inducing winds this time, 2009.
Route Climbed: Trail Canyon Date Climbed: April 15, 2003
Left Las Vegas at 3:30, started hiking around 8:30, hiked to the top then drove back as a long day hike. Because of the variable snow, I didn't follow the normal route.
Route Climbed: Queen Canyon Mine Route Date Climbed: 7/23/2005
Nice view from the top and from the notch. We were nearly stopped for a second time due to weather, but the wind shifted in our favor this time. The route up to the notch from the saddle is easier if you climb high on scree pile.
Route Climbed: Queen Canyon Mine Route Date Climbed: 7/17/2004 Denied!
Quit at 11,600 due to weather; rain and hail; got completely soaked coming down.
Route Climbed: East Ridge from Middle Creek Date Climbed: June 11, 2005
I had grand ambitions of ticking off three DPS peaks from Middle Creek, doing a big loop around Boundary, Montgomery, and Dubois. Turned out the drive to the trailhead from Bishop took several hours, via one of the gnarliest "roads" my Subaru's negotiated to date, and I didn't get started until almost 11am, so I had to leave Dubois for another day.
There was only a little moderate bushwhacking while gaining the ridge above the canyon, but the descent from Montgomery was another story. That day's pair of hiking pants had to be retired after being ripped to shreds on the way back. On the more positive side of things, the traverse between Boundary and Montgomery was fun, and seemed more like class 4 in a couple of places as I kept pretty religiously to the crest of the ridge.
This was my first (and last) visit to Middle Creek.
Wonderful day and summit success. Had the entire Boundary/Montgomery massiff to myself, except for the herd of wild horses (5 adults, 4 colts) at Trail Canyon Saddle. Hit Montgomery too of course. Avenges (sp?) the Nov04 blizzard attempt as has rwkent and cp0915.
Route Climbed: Queen Mine Date Climbed: June 4, 2005
Summitted with cp and others. Great weather (unlike our previous attempt in a raging blizzard). Road is clear to the saddle above Queen Mine. Trail is clear of snow to Trail Canyon Saddle and beyond. Still quite a bit of snow above 12K just to make things interesting. Montgomery was a real bonus!
cp0915 - Jun 6, 2005 11:35 am Date Climbed: Jun 4, 2005
Queen Mine
Got it this time - failed in blizzard conditions during my first try in November 04. Not nearly as much of a slog as I'd expected. Still quite a lot of good snow left on the upper mountain. Perfect weather, perfect conditions, great company - a terrific day in the mountains. Traversed over to Montgomery afterwards.
-9/11/09: As an honored member of the 'Summit for Heroes' team, I again visited Boundary Peak as peak #2 of a 4-peak day out of the Queen Mine trailhead, starting with Trail Canyon Peak and ending with Kennedy Point and Mustang Mountain. I also climbed the fantastically aesthetic spire just below (and north of) Boundary's summit.
Route Climbed: Queen Canyon Mine Route Date Climbed: May 30, 2005
The road and trail were in fine shape up from the mine. Up to the top in 2hours 10 minutes, down in 1 1/2 hours. There was deep snow along the top ridges, and a very large avalanche down the Northeast Bowl. Took an ice axe, but didn't need it as the snow was soft.
mjrangel - Aug 4, 2006 7:23 am Date Climbed: Jul 13, 2006
Screeeeeeh!Great views of the Sierra from up there. It was pretty cool looking at Mt. Sill from across the owens valley which was our next destination in the days that followed. Thanks for inviting me John.
jsorber - Jul 28, 2006 6:40 am Date Climbed: Jul 13, 2006
So much screeThis was my first highpoint! We were at the peak by 10;00am and peaked montgomery also. Lot of fun on TERRIBLE scree!!
Ranboze - Jul 16, 2006 3:19 am Date Climbed: Jul 3, 2006
Perfect day on BoundaryCar camped at Queen Canyon Saddle and started our hike around 0640. Lots of volunteer trails heading up the north ridge, but they all seemed to end at the same spot. Very little wind and some nice puffy afternoon clouds made for a perfect day on Boundary. Continued over the traverse to Montgomery
IamLubos - Jul 13, 2006 11:22 pm Date Climbed: Oct 15, 2005
Finally!Took me four tries to make it up this darn peak. I have never seen a mountain with such a nasty weather. Finally summitted after getting an alpine start. TR is on my website.
jakefrisbee - Mar 15, 2006 3:53 am
Queen Canyon RouteMet a couple of local 395 guys that were trying to camp on Montgomery. They got turned around when one guy took an unplanned glissade off the ridge to Montgomery. He arrested himself and his pack with a hiking pole.
Holsti97 - Nov 8, 2005 3:44 pm Date Climbed: Oct 5, 2005
Route Climbed: Queen Canyon Mine Date Climbed: October 5, 2005Stayed at the Bed & Breakfast in Benton Hot Springs, CA. Drove most of the way up the road across from the old brothel until we thought it was too rough for our rental. Started hiking at about 7:00 AM. Walked about a mile to the trailhead. Had a nice hike until we got to the rocks and scree. Got off the trail and had a lot of difficulty climbing on the rocks. Took a lot longer than normal. Signed the register and took some pictures and then headed down. We reached our Ford Expedition and then drove to Lone Pine, California to do Mount Whitney the next day. Desolate country. HP #4.
pdeangeli - Oct 4, 2005 4:34 pm Date Climbed: Oct 3, 2009
Route Climbed: Queen Mine Date Climbed: September 26, 2005Got a little overconfident, late start, walked up the 4WD section of the road, and only made it to the top of the scree section at 12k or so, when the temp dropped 10 or 20 degrees, and nasty black clouds chased us out of there. Got snow and heavy rain on the way back to the mine.
Summited in spite of hat-flappin' migraine-inducing winds this time, 2009.
Andinistaloco - Sep 23, 2005 8:21 pm
Route Climbed: standard Date Climbed: 1996Fun hike - there are some great towers near the summit, with 3rd-5th class routes on them....
derbilly - Sep 19, 2005 5:52 pm
Route Climbed: Queen Canyon Mine Route Date Climbed: September 5, 2005Navigated through a maze of ducked use trails to reach the summit on this fine day. Saw some wild horses at trail canyon saddle.
alpspitze - Sep 15, 2005 3:30 pm
Route Climbed: Trail Canyon Date Climbed: April 15, 2003Left Las Vegas at 3:30, started hiking around 8:30, hiked to the top then drove back as a long day hike. Because of the variable snow, I didn't follow the normal route.
Brian Kalet - Aug 27, 2005 10:55 pm
Route Climbed: Trail Canyon Route (ascent)/Trail Canyon Variation (descent) Date Climbed: August 27, 20052.5 hours Boundary Peak
3.2 hours Montgomery Peak
4.0 hours Boundary Peak
5.5 hours Trail Canyon Trailhead
balajisv - Aug 2, 2005 4:57 pm
Route Climbed: Queen Canyon Mine Route Date Climbed: Jul 23 2005Weather threatened to move in but the Gods smiled upon us. It's a walk up.
sierramtngoat - Jul 25, 2005 2:27 am
Route Climbed: Queen Canyon Mine Route Date Climbed: 7/23/2005Nice view from the top and from the notch. We were nearly stopped for a second time due to weather, but the wind shifted in our favor this time. The route up to the notch from the saddle is easier if you climb high on scree pile.
Route Climbed: Queen Canyon Mine Route Date Climbed: 7/17/2004 Denied!
Quit at 11,600 due to weather; rain and hail; got completely soaked coming down.
Matthew Holliman - Jul 20, 2005 11:26 am
Route Climbed: East Ridge from Middle Creek Date Climbed: June 11, 2005I had grand ambitions of ticking off three DPS peaks from Middle Creek, doing a big loop around Boundary, Montgomery, and Dubois. Turned out the drive to the trailhead from Bishop took several hours, via one of the gnarliest "roads" my Subaru's negotiated to date, and I didn't get started until almost 11am, so I had to leave Dubois for another day.
There was only a little moderate bushwhacking while gaining the ridge above the canyon, but the descent from Montgomery was another story. That day's pair of hiking pants had to be retired after being ripped to shreds on the way back. On the more positive side of things, the traverse between Boundary and Montgomery was fun, and seemed more like class 4 in a couple of places as I kept pretty religiously to the crest of the ridge.
This was my first (and last) visit to Middle Creek.
ChuckO - Jul 7, 2005 2:42 pm
Route Climbed: Queen Mine Date Climbed: 24jun05Wonderful day and summit success. Had the entire Boundary/Montgomery massiff to myself, except for the herd of wild horses (5 adults, 4 colts) at Trail Canyon Saddle. Hit Montgomery too of course. Avenges (sp?) the Nov04 blizzard attempt as has rwkent and cp0915.
Rick Kent - Jun 6, 2005 5:26 pm
Route Climbed: Queen Mine Date Climbed: June 4, 2005Summitted with cp and others. Great weather (unlike our previous attempt in a raging blizzard). Road is clear to the saddle above Queen Mine. Trail is clear of snow to Trail Canyon Saddle and beyond. Still quite a bit of snow above 12K just to make things interesting. Montgomery was a real bonus!
cp0915 - Jun 6, 2005 11:35 am Date Climbed: Jun 4, 2005
Queen MineGot it this time - failed in blizzard conditions during my first try in November 04. Not nearly as much of a slog as I'd expected. Still quite a lot of good snow left on the upper mountain. Perfect weather, perfect conditions, great company - a terrific day in the mountains. Traversed over to Montgomery afterwards.
-9/11/09: As an honored member of the 'Summit for Heroes' team, I again visited Boundary Peak as peak #2 of a 4-peak day out of the Queen Mine trailhead, starting with Trail Canyon Peak and ending with Kennedy Point and Mustang Mountain. I also climbed the fantastically aesthetic spire just below (and north of) Boundary's summit.
Day Hiker - Jun 6, 2005 1:12 am
Route Climbed: Queen Canyon Mine Date Climbed: 04 June 2005We had beautiful weather for this great mountain.
Greg Enright - May 30, 2005 8:55 pm
Route Climbed: Queen Canyon Mine Route Date Climbed: May 30, 2005The road and trail were in fine shape up from the mine. Up to the top in 2hours 10 minutes, down in 1 1/2 hours. There was deep snow along the top ridges, and a very large avalanche down the Northeast Bowl. Took an ice axe, but didn't need it as the snow was soft.
easleygone - Apr 12, 2005 11:38 pm
Route Climbed: Trail Canyon Date Climbed: July 1996Third ascent of Boundary. My card from previous ascent was still in the summit canister! Previous
summit from Queen's Mine passed an half-eaten
wild horse killed by a mountain lion! Sweet water
spring on the Queen's route...look for very green
gully on descent.