Vid Pogachnik - Oct 23, 2006 8:02 pm Date Climbed: Apr 30, 1994
From Elendgrube
On my first ascent it was a nice, but quite a warm day, with not so much snow on the summit slope. Still we were skiing from the top. That day I was a victim-driver, my wife and our friend were skiing all the way down towards the South.
On my second ascent (May 12th, 2001) it looked like we'll have a nice weather, but above on the West ridge it was stormy and we had to turn back those 50 meters below the summit. We didn't even see how to ski down over the corniche into the southern slope. Below it was much better and we all returned to Elendgrube.
Vid Pogachnik - Oct 23, 2006 8:02 pm Date Climbed: Apr 30, 1994
From ElendgrubeOn my first ascent it was a nice, but quite a warm day, with not so much snow on the summit slope. Still we were skiing from the top. That day I was a victim-driver, my wife and our friend were skiing all the way down towards the South.
On my second ascent (May 12th, 2001) it looked like we'll have a nice weather, but above on the West ridge it was stormy and we had to turn back those 50 meters below the summit. We didn't even see how to ski down over the corniche into the southern slope. Below it was much better and we all returned to Elendgrube.