Photos and Video from a climb of the North Chimney route on Castleton Tower. Myself and JD made 2 attempts on the route. On March 11, we started too late in the day, and only managed to do pitch 1. The next day we came back much earlier, and despite heavy traffic, made it to the top. The sun was setting when we reached the summit plateau, and we ended up rappeling off the North Face in total darkness. Just as I was about to go over the edge, another party reached the top, and we let them rap of our ropes. All in all it was a great climb, and I definatly want to return to do other routes on the tower.
Castleton Tower and the Rectory seen from the parking lot
The La Sal Mountains seen from the base of Castleton Tower
Closeup of Castleton Tower and the Kor-Ingalls Route
JD standing beneath the North Face of Castleton Tower, on the approach
The North Chimney route on Castleton Tower seen from the base
Myself leading up pitch 1 of the North Chimney route on Castleton Tower
Looking down from partway up the 1st pitch, on the 1st attempt at the North Chimney
Looking down from the top of pitch 1
JD heading up pitch 1, our second and successful attempt at the North Chimney
Castle Valley seen from the top of pitch 1
Myself stemming near the top of pitch 2
View of the anchor we set at the top of pitch 2, looking north towards the Fisher Towers
View down from pitch 3, which was a winding series of chimneys, cracks and ledges
Castle Valley and the Fisher Towers, seen from the base of pitch 4 as the sun sets.
Pitch 4 of the North Chimney of Castleton Tower
Looking down 500ft straight down from the exposed 4th and final pitch
The La Sal Mountains seen from the top of Castleton Tower at sunset
Castle Valley seen from the summit of Castleton Tower at sundown. The Towers in the foreground are called the Rectory.
Looking over the edge of the North Face, at the summit plateau of Castleton Tower
Myself on the summit of Castleton Tower just before darkness sets in. We rappeled the North Face into the pitch black void. It was awesome!
Castle Valley Towers seen at sunset after the 1st attempt on the North Chimne
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