Page Type Page Type: Mountain/Rock
Location Lat/Lon: 26.99022°S / 68.66667°W
Additional Information Elevation: 20075 ft / 6119 m
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The Puna de Atacama is a high plateau with a height of mostly over 4.000 m over sea level. This plateau is approx. 300 kilometres wide and extends from south Bolivia and north Chile into the northwest of Argentina. There are many mountains over 6.000 m, but also very interesting 5.000 summits, e.g. the dos Conos at the Paso de San Francisco. The few of these mountains have permanent snow.

The largest problems of climbing are the extreme isolation, the water shortage at most mountains and durable and unpleasant cold weather as well as the violent, continuous wind. All these points should not be underestimated with a climbing.

Since the high plateau of the Puna de Atacama, as previously mentioned, is itself on a height of at least 4.000 m, it is advisable to be acclimatised in other places before entering this region. Who enters via Santiago de Chile, has to do this best conditions around the capital.

The Cerros de Barrancas Blancas represent a broad ridge in the Puna de Atacama with a length of 12 kilometres from west to east. Despite its relatively good accessibility (this, however, requires that one has a 4x4) this mountain is climbed only rarely. Also its position in the midst of a fantastic mountain world and the proximity to the Nevado Ojos del Salado in nothing changed even if it is an ideal mountain for acclimatisation. It is the viewpoint in the Puna de Atacama absolutely. An enormous view on at least twelve 6.000m summits and innumerable 5.000m peaks in next environment are Cerros de Barrancas Blancas for me insider’s tip. In the southeast is one of the highest volcanoes of the earth; the Nevado Ojos del Salado rises. Far in the southeast the enormous massif of the Cerro Tres Cruces towers. Before there is an enormous sand box, modelled by slowly flowing waves from sand.

Getting There

Cerros de Barrancas Blancas is attainable from the two largest, international airports of the region: Santiago de Chile and Buenos Aires.

From Argantina:

Variant 1:

From Santiago there are several times daily bus connections to Mendoza, (approx. 7 hours), which can be fully booked in the high season in December or January days in advance, however.

That approx. 150 kilometres distant San Juan can be attained likewise very well with buses. At the latest here one should supply oneself with food supply. Numerous supermarkets have a rich offer; actually one will miss nothing. Also one should carry sufficient quantities of water, since it can be very dry at Laguna Verde and one meets only occasionally clean drinking water and/or snowfields.

The access to the Cerros de Barrancas Blancas does not become so simple. Either one confide oneself in an agency, which represents the more comfortable and safe variant with security. As alternative one can rent a car (4x4) in Mendoza or San Juan and drive on own risk into the region around the Laguna Verde. The advantage is that one is independent and not under time pressure.

One continues to leave San Juan on the 40 in northern direction over San José de Jáchal to Nonogasta, then over Tinogasta to Fiambalá. From here one drives further to the Paso de San Francisco. Finally one continues to the Laguna Verde.

Variant 2:

One flies via Buenos Aires to La Rioja. There one takes a bus to Tinogasta or Fiambalá, where one turns to an agency or rents a car.

On good road one arrives at the Paso de San Francisco and continues to the Laguna Verde, starting point for many routes in this region.

From Chile:

Either one flies to Santiago, in order to acclimatise oneself here somewhat, or one continues to fly right to Copiapó, an oasis in the midst of the arid coastal strip of Chile.

Also several buses drive several times daily from Santiago to Copiapó. It is recommended to take one of the many night buses.

From Copiapó with the car (rented or with an agency) via the Salar de Maricunga to the Laguna Verde, where there are possibilities to pitch a tent.

From Laguna Verde:

From the Laguna Verde one drives to the old Hosteria Murray, then further on the old runway 1.1 kilometres toward Copiapó. One leaves the runway to the left in southeast direction and heads for the salient ridge, which comes down from the main summit toward the north to northeast. At the foot of this ridge one can establish a camp, at approx. 5.000m.

Red Tape

According to DIFROL ( they do not require a permit.

As of 1 of December 2004, the regional authority licensed the company Aventurismo y Expediciones that is authorized to receive a rate of admission from the national and foreign climbers that wishes to accede to the sector around Laguna Verde. Concerned is the access to the Volcán Ojos del Salado, Cerro el Muerto, Cerro Tres Cruces, Nevado de Incahuasi, Refugios Atacama and Tejos and the termas de Laguna Verde. Consultations can take place in

When To Climb

The South American winters in the Ojos region are damper and colder, which generally more precipitation means, which can lead even in deeper reaches to snow. On impassable roads must be counted. Additionally low temperatures lead to further difficulties.

The summer against is drier and warmer. Balanced conditions could prevail in the spring months from October to December.

The best time for climbing is the southern summer, i.e. from December to February.


Camping is possible at each place.

Mountain Conditions

The climb:

From the camp one ascends the ridges in southwest direction and arrives over more or less steep crushed stone and snowfields problem-free at the summit.

The ascent route, whereby one can use the steep crushed stone field for the faster descent, makes the descent.

Alternatively one can descend over the west or east summits or one exceeds the Cerros de Barrancas Blancas from east to west or in reverse direction.


The Cerros de Barrancas Blancas climb concerns simply high mountain climbing without glaciers and technical requirements. Occasionally snowfields must be crossed.

Even if no large, technical demand is made against the mountain climber, one should not underestimate also this mountain. Because of its isolation and inviolacy in case of emergency assistance can arrive only after days.



Children refers to the set of objects that logically fall under a given object. For example, the Aconcagua mountain page is a child of the 'Aconcagua Group' and the 'Seven Summits.' The Aconcagua mountain itself has many routes, photos, and trip reports as children.



Parents refers to a larger category under which an object falls. For example, theAconcagua mountain page has the 'Aconcagua Group' and the 'Seven Summits' asparents and is a parent itself to many routes, photos, and Trip Reports.

Puna de AtacamaMountains & Rocks