Chicago Basin

Chicago Basin

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Below i will post some images from our trip to Chicago Basin over Labor Day weekend. I walked in from the Purgatory Trailhead, which was a lovely walk, about 18 miles in, and my son and brother took the train. They do not allow dogs on the train, therefore the walk, and I did enjoy the solitude. I did not meet anyone until the train crowds got off at Needleton. Chicago Basin offers tons of peaks to scramble on, including 3 fourteeners and a number of thirteeners, plenty of lonely camping spots and goats everywhere. My brother got nearly licked when he fell asleep in the grass outside our tent. It is a great area to explore. We summited during our trip: Sunlight Peak, Windom Peak, Eolus and North Eolus and Jupiter Mountain.

External Links

Chicago Basin Trip Planning Guide


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