around 15m high maximum and 300m line of a solid lime stone cliff.
Most of these climbs are short with few hard moves on each making it a great place to practice, starting from 4+ to 7b, a decent variaty of levels. Also after some cleaning of the surrounding great potential for bouldering.
Getting There
Drive down to Fuhais village from Amman (Bacaloria School road) when reaching the big roundabout take a right, then first left, then second right where the globe with Jordan in the middle is. Down the valley and first left. Drive for aprox 1.5 km and the cliff will be infront of you,
the routes
*climbs are noted from left to right (south to north)
1.Sushi: 11m vertical 6a (bolted, Hakim) first ascend by Hakim
2.Hakim in bed: 11m vertical 6a+ (bolted, wulfgang) first ascend by sushi
3.Tia: 10m +slab 5b (bolted, Hakim) first ascend by Hakim
4.Ras khalili: 8m slightly overhang 6b (bolted, Hakim) first ascend wilfried
5.Darbet shams: 12m vertical 5c (bolted, Hakim) first ascend by Amjad
6.Zabet: 12m vertical 6a+ (bolted, Hakim) first ascend by Hakim
7.Amn Doleh: 16m overhang chimni and slab 6c (bolted, Hakim) first ascend Wilfried
8.Mukhabarat: 14m slightly overhang 6c (bolted, Hakim) first ascend by Torsten
9.Tlat Sisan Mhanshin: 15m vertical 7a (bolted, Hakim) first ascend by ...
10.Abu Salam: 15m vertical 6b+ (bolted, Hakim) first ascend by Amjad
11.Fun: 7m top rope +slab 4b (top, Hakim) first ascend by Hakim
12.Abul Helaman: 7m slightly overhang 7a (bolted, Hakim) first ascend by Torsten
13.Sumal: 8m overhang 7b (bolted, Hakim) first ascend by ivan
14.Djibuti: 8m overhang 6a+ (bolted, Hakim) first ascend by Hakim
15.Wanish: 7m vertical 6b (bolted, Hakim) first ascend by Amjad
16.Galbeh: 7m overhang 6b+ (bolted, Hakim) first ascend by ...
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