Gran Rossa & Lochs from Glacier

Gran Rossa & Lochs from Glacier

Gran Rossa (2866m) - Bocon Damon or Quota 2792m and Tête des Hommes (2614m) from Mont Glacier (3186m) and over the Gran Lago and Leità's Lochs. In bottom: G. Marquis Point. In foreground and from left: Bec di Nona, La Pertze, Mont Grimon, Cima Piana, Cima Perché, Arcomy's Point, Bec de Nona, Tête du Mont, Testa Colon and Mont Charvatton. In distance: Southern appendices of Pennine Alps. Counter the sky: Monte Rosa Mountain Chain. Aug 28th, 2006 Picture of Emilio Bertona
Antonio Giani
on Dec 16, 2011 4:24 am
Image Type(s): Alpine Climbing
Image ID: 765836


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