Bobber - Sep 23, 2024 1:33 pm Date Climbed: Aug 6, 2014
First dog on Granite Peak
My friend took his dog Chili up there 10 years ago. We did the couloir route which was a new thing back then. He struggled with her on the steep section above the couloir because she had to be lifted up. Do not take your dog up there but she summited. There’s a pic in the gallery. I can post more pics or a trip report if anyone is interested.
Edit. I hadn’t been on this forum for years but my old trip report and all the pics are there if interested. I think you just have to click on my screen name.
Andinistaloco - Sep 4, 2024 7:24 am Date Climbed: Aug 15, 2024
Long day, SW slopes to couloir
...but a fun one. An early start beat the heat, and carrying a filter meant we didn't have to lug tons of water in there - plenty along the way. Some ice and running water in the couloir, but the way was still passable and pretty obvious. Killer summit w/ no one else up there :) This is a pretty great route up the peak.
Bpmoney20 - Aug 18, 2024 7:17 pm Date Climbed: Aug 17, 2024
Southwest ramp via skytop lakes approach
Successful summit attempt after staying along sky top lakes formation 8/16/24 and leaving basecamp at 6 am 8/17. Submitted at 9 am after climbing the southwest ramp. Conditions were perfect, no snow or ice, so no need for ice axe or crampons/micro spikes. Made it back to trailhead at 6 pm after a long hike out.
Klondike94 - Aug 15, 2024 5:31 am Date Climbed: Aug 12, 2024
Snuck through the weather
Successful two-day summit. Started at 0800 at the Mystic Lake TH, camped at 11,500 on FTD, summitted the next morning at 1040 and slogged it out back to the TH after hunkering down through several afternoon storms. Got back to the TH at 1015pm, exhausted but in good spirits.
Few beta points we thought might be useful for other climbers:
1) the snow bridge is melted off...probably in early August this year
2) there is water all over need to pack extra water up the switchbacks (snowfields up there provide ample).
3) we rapped (4 sections) with a 40m rope without any issues
4) we did not rope up for any ascending pitches. There were about 4 bottleneck, semi-exposed sections on the standard eastern approach, but we never felt sketched out
5) there are many rock-tent rings on FTD...first ones we saw were about 1mile into the FTD hike. Most are near water.
6) we used the route-finder on AllTrails and it pretty much followed the best route and was well marked with large cairns
7) there is a side-trail heading west near the end of the switchbacks just as you start to top out...before the main trail intersection. Take it to save about 1/2 mile of hiking unless you want to see the large first cairn of FTD.
8) the pee goats are no-joke, but they all reacted to tossing a rock their way before getting really close and that would keep them at bay until you finished your business...then they would rush in to lap up that salt! We stashed all our non-summit going gear including our packs into our tent when we departed for the summit. The goats got close, but didn't mess with the tent. We've heard that the goats will chew on your pack straps or anything with your sweat on it, so be advised!
9) stash a beverage and a snack in your rig at the TH...provided us with some motivation to finish those last miles from Mystic in the rain with headlamps!
Final thought: enjoy the amazing scenery at every step...will help keep your mind off the endless slog of FTD!
PS: we found a bag of tent poles about 1.5miles from the switchback intersection on FTD. Hit me up if you know who they belong to...must have been a miserable experience for someone!
Wheelbarrow - Mar 20, 2024 12:46 am Date Climbed: Jul 27, 2022
This one almost had me
Finished in 19.5 hours via SW ramp TH. Totaled 30 miles. Didn't bring ice axe and crampons so instead of taking the straightforward couloir, it was a sh!t show finding a way to scramble to the top. Pristine backcountry though!
wildfiredjade - Feb 11, 2024 4:17 pm Date Climbed: Aug 6, 2022
Awesome climb.
Beautiful climb on a stormy day in August. Would love to return again on a clear day.
Great day out- moody clouds weren’t threatening. Snow and verglas choked the ramp and made it treacherous. Did fine without traction aids, but would not recommend climbing in these conditions unless you are very confident (and have the skills to match!).
yadahzoemtn - Aug 24, 2022 10:55 am Date Climbed: Aug 19, 2022
Third Times the charm
I have tried to summit this mountain two other times from the South approach starting at the Lady of the Lake Trailhead. I got within 120 vertical feet and turned around. This time I went in from West Rosebud Trailhead with Beartooth Mountain Guide, JT. We had a successful summit and beautiful weather. Froze to Death Plateau was amazing. We experienced very different terrain on the North side approach. The technical climbing was 5.FUN. I giggled most of the way up. We spent four days, three nights on the mountain.
Moogie737 - Aug 22, 2022 2:50 pm Date Climbed: Aug 19, 2022
Both routes now checked off
#1 August 14, 2009 with Joe Bullough. SW Couloir route. Camped at Lower Aero Lake, summit day was 14 hours. I have a trip report on my SP page. #2 August 19, 2022 with Lana & JT. From West Rosebud TH over the F-t-D plateau. Absolutely astounding. JT was our guide (Beartooth Mountain Guides in Red Lodge) and his skills were beyond reproach. This route is so much more complicated than the SW Couloir route there is no comparison. Don't underestimate this beast.
triyoda - Aug 15, 2021 11:46 pm Date Climbed: Aug 12, 2021
Planet Granite
solo ascent via FTD. Amazing and challenging climb.
Kyle Van Vleet - Jun 30, 2021 2:26 pm Date Climbed: Jun 19, 2021
Granite Peak
What a beautiful mountain and area in general. Thankful to have stood on top of this one on the last day of spring. The views were mind-blowing!! What an epic trip.
Via SW Ramp, smoky view from the top. Saw helicopter doing rescue the night before and morning of, apparently there was a death.
Woodswalker - Aug 19, 2020 10:59 am Date Climbed: Aug 10, 2020
Southwest Couloir
Camped above Sky Top Lakes. Made it to the summit in 3 hours. Nice weather but very windy at top. Great climb. I had attempted Granite previously by way of the Froze-to-Death route.
Just needed microspikes to go across a couple of snow fields before the ramp. Other than that a helmet for rock fall. No climbing gear needed for ramp.
Camped at upper Aero Lakes then got up early and went up the SW couloir. There was a little bit of snow, making some sections sketchier, and others easier. Overall the SW couloir is very dangerous - rockfall hazard the whole way and multiple moments of massive exposure. I will never do this route again. Hire a guide to take you up the East ridge, which is all solid rock.
freedeep - Mar 22, 2020 4:04 pm Date Climbed: Jul 12, 1999
Always a great hike
I have been to the summit of Granite Peak and its sister peak to the west, they are both great hikes.
The first time my brother and I climbed Granite Pk was in training for Mt Rainier. We approached Granite from the Tempest side.
Years later friends and I would climb Granite, then camp near the summit of Tempest Mtn, timing the hike out so we would be caught in a bad weather forecast, so we could experience the full furry of the approaching storms while on the plateau.
Anyway you look at it, the area is great fun.
jake_the_snake - Oct 1, 2019 2:11 pm Date Climbed: May 9, 2019
Failure in May - snow conditions less than ideal.
Failure in May - snow conditions less than ideal.
bluecappo - Jun 18, 2019 12:32 pm Date Climbed: Jul 27, 2016
The climb that became an epic fishing trip
No success for us this time after making it to the end of the plateau and one of our members having some issues. However we came prepared to fish and Lowary Lake didn't disappoint. Maybe also set the record for the most back-country game of frisbee golf ever played.
Bobber - Sep 23, 2024 1:33 pm Date Climbed: Aug 6, 2014
First dog on Granite PeakMy friend took his dog Chili up there 10 years ago. We did the couloir route which was a new thing back then. He struggled with her on the steep section above the couloir because she had to be lifted up. Do not take your dog up there but she summited. There’s a pic in the gallery. I can post more pics or a trip report if anyone is interested.
Edit. I hadn’t been on this forum for years but my old trip report and all the pics are there if interested. I think you just have to click on my screen name.
Andinistaloco - Sep 4, 2024 7:24 am Date Climbed: Aug 15, 2024
Long day, SW slopes to couloir...but a fun one. An early start beat the heat, and carrying a filter meant we didn't have to lug tons of water in there - plenty along the way. Some ice and running water in the couloir, but the way was still passable and pretty obvious. Killer summit w/ no one else up there :) This is a pretty great route up the peak.
Bpmoney20 - Aug 18, 2024 7:17 pm Date Climbed: Aug 17, 2024
Southwest ramp via skytop lakes approachSuccessful summit attempt after staying along sky top lakes formation 8/16/24 and leaving basecamp at 6 am 8/17. Submitted at 9 am after climbing the southwest ramp. Conditions were perfect, no snow or ice, so no need for ice axe or crampons/micro spikes. Made it back to trailhead at 6 pm after a long hike out.
Klondike94 - Aug 15, 2024 5:31 am Date Climbed: Aug 12, 2024
Snuck through the weatherSuccessful two-day summit. Started at 0800 at the Mystic Lake TH, camped at 11,500 on FTD, summitted the next morning at 1040 and slogged it out back to the TH after hunkering down through several afternoon storms. Got back to the TH at 1015pm, exhausted but in good spirits.
Few beta points we thought might be useful for other climbers:
1) the snow bridge is melted off...probably in early August this year
2) there is water all over need to pack extra water up the switchbacks (snowfields up there provide ample).
3) we rapped (4 sections) with a 40m rope without any issues
4) we did not rope up for any ascending pitches. There were about 4 bottleneck, semi-exposed sections on the standard eastern approach, but we never felt sketched out
5) there are many rock-tent rings on FTD...first ones we saw were about 1mile into the FTD hike. Most are near water.
6) we used the route-finder on AllTrails and it pretty much followed the best route and was well marked with large cairns
7) there is a side-trail heading west near the end of the switchbacks just as you start to top out...before the main trail intersection. Take it to save about 1/2 mile of hiking unless you want to see the large first cairn of FTD.
8) the pee goats are no-joke, but they all reacted to tossing a rock their way before getting really close and that would keep them at bay until you finished your business...then they would rush in to lap up that salt! We stashed all our non-summit going gear including our packs into our tent when we departed for the summit. The goats got close, but didn't mess with the tent. We've heard that the goats will chew on your pack straps or anything with your sweat on it, so be advised!
9) stash a beverage and a snack in your rig at the TH...provided us with some motivation to finish those last miles from Mystic in the rain with headlamps!
Final thought: enjoy the amazing scenery at every step...will help keep your mind off the endless slog of FTD!
PS: we found a bag of tent poles about 1.5miles from the switchback intersection on FTD. Hit me up if you know who they belong to...must have been a miserable experience for someone!
Wheelbarrow - Mar 20, 2024 12:46 am Date Climbed: Jul 27, 2022
This one almost had meFinished in 19.5 hours via SW ramp TH. Totaled 30 miles. Didn't bring ice axe and crampons so instead of taking the straightforward couloir, it was a sh!t show finding a way to scramble to the top. Pristine backcountry though!
wildfiredjade - Feb 11, 2024 4:17 pm Date Climbed: Aug 6, 2022
Awesome climb.Beautiful climb on a stormy day in August. Would love to return again on a clear day.
Woodie Hopper - Sep 6, 2023 9:23 pm Date Climbed: Sep 6, 2023
Southwest ramp solo one day pushGreat day out- moody clouds weren’t threatening. Snow and verglas choked the ramp and made it treacherous. Did fine without traction aids, but would not recommend climbing in these conditions unless you are very confident (and have the skills to match!).
yadahzoemtn - Aug 24, 2022 10:55 am Date Climbed: Aug 19, 2022
Third Times the charmI have tried to summit this mountain two other times from the South approach starting at the Lady of the Lake Trailhead. I got within 120 vertical feet and turned around. This time I went in from West Rosebud Trailhead with Beartooth Mountain Guide, JT. We had a successful summit and beautiful weather. Froze to Death Plateau was amazing. We experienced very different terrain on the North side approach. The technical climbing was 5.FUN. I giggled most of the way up. We spent four days, three nights on the mountain.
Moogie737 - Aug 22, 2022 2:50 pm Date Climbed: Aug 19, 2022
Both routes now checked off#1 August 14, 2009 with Joe Bullough. SW Couloir route. Camped at Lower Aero Lake, summit day was 14 hours. I have a trip report on my SP page. #2 August 19, 2022 with Lana & JT. From West Rosebud TH over the F-t-D plateau. Absolutely astounding. JT was our guide (Beartooth Mountain Guides in Red Lodge) and his skills were beyond reproach. This route is so much more complicated than the SW Couloir route there is no comparison. Don't underestimate this beast.
triyoda - Aug 15, 2021 11:46 pm Date Climbed: Aug 12, 2021
Planet Granitesolo ascent via FTD. Amazing and challenging climb.
Kyle Van Vleet - Jun 30, 2021 2:26 pm Date Climbed: Jun 19, 2021
Granite PeakWhat a beautiful mountain and area in general. Thankful to have stood on top of this one on the last day of spring. The views were mind-blowing!! What an epic trip.
Chickenonabun - Sep 7, 2020 1:01 pm Date Climbed: Sep 6, 2020
great successVia SW Ramp, smoky view from the top. Saw helicopter doing rescue the night before and morning of, apparently there was a death.
Woodswalker - Aug 19, 2020 10:59 am Date Climbed: Aug 10, 2020
Southwest CouloirCamped above Sky Top Lakes. Made it to the summit in 3 hours. Nice weather but very windy at top. Great climb. I had attempted Granite previously by way of the Froze-to-Death route.
jcscratch1 - Aug 19, 2020 4:35 pm
Re: Southwest CouloirGonna be there Sept 5-7. Did you need climbing gear going up the ramp?
Woodswalker - Aug 20, 2020 2:15 pm
Re: Southwest CouloirJust needed microspikes to go across a couple of snow fields before the ramp. Other than that a helmet for rock fall. No climbing gear needed for ramp.
guerinak - May 22, 2020 7:01 am
First trip post ACLClimbed in 3 days 5 months after ACL reconstruction. Challenging but fun climb! - May 8, 2020 11:38 am Date Climbed: Sep 13, 2019
SW Couloir - Not a FanCamped at upper Aero Lakes then got up early and went up the SW couloir. There was a little bit of snow, making some sections sketchier, and others easier. Overall the SW couloir is very dangerous - rockfall hazard the whole way and multiple moments of massive exposure. I will never do this route again. Hire a guide to take you up the East ridge, which is all solid rock.
freedeep - Mar 22, 2020 4:04 pm Date Climbed: Jul 12, 1999
Always a great hikeI have been to the summit of Granite Peak and its sister peak to the west, they are both great hikes.
The first time my brother and I climbed Granite Pk was in training for Mt Rainier. We approached Granite from the Tempest side.
Years later friends and I would climb Granite, then camp near the summit of Tempest Mtn, timing the hike out so we would be caught in a bad weather forecast, so we could experience the full furry of the approaching storms while on the plateau.
Anyway you look at it, the area is great fun.
jake_the_snake - Oct 1, 2019 2:11 pm Date Climbed: May 9, 2019
Failure in May - snow conditions less than ideal.Failure in May - snow conditions less than ideal.
bluecappo - Jun 18, 2019 12:32 pm Date Climbed: Jul 27, 2016
The climb that became an epic fishing tripNo success for us this time after making it to the end of the plateau and one of our members having some issues. However we came prepared to fish and Lowary Lake didn't disappoint. Maybe also set the record for the most back-country game of frisbee golf ever played.