Hăşmaş massif

Hăşmaş massif

Stitched panorama of SW craggy face of the southern, highest chunk of the main ridge of the Hăşmaş mountains.

Great Hasmas, Hăşmaşul Mare (RO), Nagy-Hagymás (HU) (1792m - left), Solitary Rock, Piatra Singuratică, Egyes-kő (HU) (1608m - center), Devil's Mill, Moara Dracului (RO), Ördögmalom (HU) (1696m - right).

Eastern Carpathians

Hăşmaş Mountains

Cheile Bicazului - Hăşmaş National Park


July 2013

on Nov 24, 2013 8:25 am
Image Type(s): Panorama
Image ID: 877274


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