Huge Ponderosa pines against...

Huge Ponderosa pines against...

Huge Ponderosa pines against a sandstone wall. The Ponderosas are about 100 feet in height, and are an unexpected site in the middle of a desert!
on Mar 27, 2004 12:21 am
Image ID: 47405


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nader - Mar 27, 2004 10:26 am - Voted 10/10

Desert Ponderosa

Just a little bit of shade and you get Ponderosa in the middle of the desert!


Scott - Mar 28, 2004 4:49 am - Hasn't voted

Re: Desert Ponderosa

Yes, a really rare site over there. These are the only such Ponderosas I know of in miles. Since the slickrock bowl is north facing and cresent shaped, the place almost never sees the sun. There is a minor drainage that dumps enough water off the cliffs and directly on to the trees from above that allows them to grow. Only a few feet away and in the sun is barren (but beautiful) desert!

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