"So I was sitting in my cubicle today, and I realized, ever since I started working, every single day of my life has been worse than the day before it. So that means that every single day that you see me, that's on the worst day of my life."
--Peter Gibbons (Office Space)
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Rick Kent - Oct 11, 2002 4:33 pm
Date Climbed: may 26, 2002Hiked up the trail on 5/26/2002. Nice view, although not as nice as Moro Rock on a clear day. I recommend going down to the lower shelf in front of Little Baldy and looking back up at the Little Baldy dome. That way it seems more impressive, since you really don't get a good feel for what the dome looks like when you're directly on top of it.
butterflywings73 - Sep 8, 2002 7:40 pm
Route Climbed: From the Trailhead on the main road. Date Climbed: July 20th, 2002We climbed this rock early in the morning, and surpassed the crowds, and the sun. We reached the summit at about 11 am. We were able to hit a repeater in Fresno. The views were spectacular, and the climb was fairly easy and beautiful. The smells from the trees is what gets me everytime. I love the Sequoias.
Dave Daly - Apr 6, 2002 11:31 am
Route Climbed: Sparkler 5.9 Date Climbed: September 2001The fun really begins as the route steepens.....the last three bolts! I'd say 'Sparkler' is one of the best 5.9 slab climbs I've been on....keep's you on your toes (pardon the pun)! Lots of sun though (southern exposure).....whew!
markman - Feb 1, 2002 5:00 pm
Route Climbed: Most of them. Date Climbed: 1985-1995Great rock on the way up, nice trail on the way down.
dshoe - Dec 21, 2001 9:05 am
Route Climbed: Little Baldy Trail Date Climbed: See Below.....Hiked/climbed Little Baldy numerous times during the summers of 1997, 1998 and 1999. Not really a "climb" though; more of a short, little day hike to a nice granite outcropping, with an awesome view of the Great Western Divide to the east and of Big Baldy to the west. Very nice excursion, even though it is short and simple!
mpbro - Sep 17, 2001 9:19 pm
Route Climbed: Up the trail from Little Baldy Summit Date Climbed: January, 2001Hardly a climb, but an unforgettable panoramic view.