Dragger - Sep 8, 2004 2:07 pm - Voted 10/10
Wonderful Beta!!Thanks much RPC. Your pictures are all great and this one provides so much helpful beta. I've been looking at this route as well. One question -- you list the crux at 5.8 -- is it true? I thought the route went at 5.7. ( I start getting wimpy at leading once the route gets to be 5.8 or tougher! ;^)
rpc - Sep 8, 2004 2:31 pm - Hasn't voted
Re: Wonderful Beta!!Dragger,
thank you for your nice comments.
Dave Daly lists the route rating on his page at IV 5.7. Secor and Super Topo call it 5.8 (ST actually says that there are 2 P of .8......that I think is definitely NOT true). Debate can go on I'm sure....but the section of climb in question is no more than 20' long, protects beautifully (cams in under 3" range I think), has solid & clean rock, and is not sustained (even the 20 feet have nice rests). I doubt that you'd have any problems with any of it if you're comfy. with .7's.
Just don't take that stupid "minor arete" onto which I went by mistake - that I thought was just plain scary (loose rock and fairly hard for me).
Have fun - it's a very nice climb IMHO!
Dragger - Sep 8, 2004 4:36 pm - Voted 10/10
Re: Wonderful Beta!!Thanks!!!
Steve Larson - Nov 18, 2004 7:09 pm - Voted 10/10
Echo Dragger's commentGreat photo, lots of good route info. Wish there were more like this on SP!
rpc - Nov 18, 2004 7:24 pm - Hasn't voted
Re: Echo Dragger's commentThanks Steve.
Have you done this climb? I know you did the Venusian Blind. Wondering how they compare in the quality of climbing? Would like to go back there next summer for another route, either VB or that .9-ish one to the right (Moon Goddess). Both look pretty awsome.....as does Bear Creek Spire/N. Ridge. Loads of good stuff in the Sierras (and a nice, long climbing season!)
rpc - Nov 19, 2004 1:10 pm - Hasn't voted
Re: Echo Dragger's commentI guess the most appealing thing about that Moongoddess (for me) is that Tyrolean traverse midway up the route. It's kind of cool you actually have to (well, I guess you CAN skip it) do one halfway up a route!
Nice TR with good beta on that N. Arete on BCS.
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