Mount Bierstadt Climber's Log

Viewing: 141-160 of 550

odysseus - Jul 16, 2011 9:37 am Date Climbed: Jul 15, 2011

From Guanella Pass, standard route  Sucess!

My 4th time up Bierstadt. There were easily 100 people on the mountain with me that day and, as usual, many of whom didn't look like they belonged there.


Nmontelli - Jul 13, 2011 6:40 pm Date Climbed: Jul 11, 2011

Tour d' Abyss  Sucess!

East Ridge is alot of fun.

Wiktoria Plawska

Wiktoria Plawska - Jul 11, 2011 8:02 pm Date Climbed: Jul 11, 2011

Nice  Sucess!

Good warm-up, short and sweet


km_donovan - Jul 8, 2011 5:13 pm Date Climbed: Jul 8, 2011

From Guanella Pass  Sucess!

Nice cool day with a bit of a breeze. I am still amazed to see people going up at when we were almost back down. Went with some friends making for a most enjoyable outing.


bblack99 - Jul 5, 2011 7:16 pm Date Climbed: Jul 5, 2011

So "easy" a flatlander can do it!  Sucess!

Landed in Denver late Friday night, warmed up on an ~11er, then Cupid (13er), then this bear. The first mile and a half of the West Slopes route from Guanella is total cake, but that really lulls you into a false sense of security. Steep and rocky from about 12,400' to 13,700' then it's all gravy!


metalmountain - Jun 8, 2011 12:55 pm Date Climbed: Aug 15, 2010

North Face Gully  Sucess!

Climbed via the north face gully. It was fun, but SUPER loose.


metalmountain - Jun 8, 2011 12:54 pm Date Climbed: Jun 15, 2010

Standard route...  Sucess!

Easy up and down hike, beautiful views.

REM - Jun 6, 2011 11:44 pm Date Climbed: Oct 14, 2006

From Guanella Pass  Sucess!

Climbed with my daughter Kimberley.


SarahThompson - Feb 20, 2011 4:36 pm Date Climbed: Sep 20, 2003

7x  Sucess!

9/20/03 - Std route from Guanella Pass in my cottoneering days, my 3rd 14er. Loved it so much I did it again 2 weeks later!

10/4/03 - Std route from Guanella Pass.

2/19/11 - Long approach to Guanella Pass from the Grant side, parked 0.9 miles past where they stop plowing (7.7 miles from 285). Exhausting trap door snow up through the willows capped off by wind and blowing snow up high.

12/15/13 - Pre-winter prep hike that proved Bierstadt doesn't have to be forgettable. Backpacked up Scott Gomer Gulch and camped overnight, then climbed the East Ridge & down the South Ridge before packing out the next day. Fun scrambling with snow but crux ledges on East Ridge would likely be very scary (loaded) later in the season.

3/6/15 - Std route from north side Guanella Pass closure. Dwight's final winter 14er!!

6/28/15 - Std route. Started hiking 8:15pm, slept on summit, back to trailhead just after 6am the next morning.

12/30/18 - Std route 6hrs RT, easiest winter 14er ascent ever!


vetmike - Feb 4, 2011 10:53 am Date Climbed: Jul 17, 2008

Sketchy weather on Bierstadt  Sucess!

The plan was to go backpacking with some friends, climbing a 14er was just a possibility in the beginning. But once we started up this beautiful mountain, I was set on the summit. Ended up summiting in some sketchy weather, but got down fine. Trip report here:


centrifuge - Jan 12, 2011 9:38 pm Date Climbed: Jul 8, 2003

my first so long ago...  Sucess!

This was fun just because I knew the whole time it was the beginning of a beautiful obsession


thatnissanguy - Dec 20, 2010 8:27 pm Date Climbed: Aug 23, 2009

second 14er  Sucess!

Was my second 14er. Loved it!

Matt Lemke

Matt Lemke - Dec 20, 2010 2:30 am Date Climbed: Oct 4, 2008

Guanella Pass  Sucess!

An easy hike up Bierstadt in the clouds


jeffrawn - Oct 20, 2010 1:09 am Date Climbed: Oct 16, 2010

Just a little bit of snow  Sucess!

Great day with 5 other members of the CAA. 1:30 p.m. start at Guanella Pass made us the last to summit that day, although we met almost 30 who were on their way down. Remnants of snow made the trail mildly slick from 13,200' to the ridge. Nice break from the still-warm and very flat Dallas area!


rockymountaindiva - Oct 11, 2010 12:59 am Date Climbed: Jun 11, 2000

Multiple times  Sucess!

Have also done with sawtooth/evans.


ErikaRN - Oct 2, 2010 10:18 pm Date Climbed: Sep 1, 2008

several summits  Sucess!

I have summited this peak so far 4 times but did it first on the above date. Great early season conditioner with killer views and a great trail!


JonW - Sep 26, 2010 10:46 pm Date Climbed: Sep 25, 2010

Only for the Sawtooth  Sucess!

We only climbed this to get the Sawtooth Ridge. The Sawtooth was a blast. The slog up Bierstandt, not so much.

Alana - Sep 19, 2010 11:10 pm Date Climbed: Sep 19, 2010

Second Fourteener  Sucess!

Very crowded trail and summit. Took the Sawtooth down. Perfect weather.


dunking_deutschman - Sep 4, 2010 11:36 am Date Climbed: Aug 29, 2010

spectacular sunrise

a beautiful hike via guanella pass. Largest, most cluelessly obnoxious crowd I have ever encountered on a colorado 14er, despite the road from the front range cities being closed due to rockslide. If you can tune out the idiots, though, this is the easiest 14er I have hiked yet. The sawtooth ridge looks inviting for when I come back for Evans.


Kapelmuur - Aug 15, 2010 9:18 pm Date Climbed: Aug 15, 2010

Appetizer  Sucess!

Gobbled it up on the way to the Sawtooth & Evans

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