Mount Shasta Climber's Log

Viewing: 741-741 of 741

Josh - Mar 11, 2001 1:02 pm

Route Climbed: Avalanche Gulch Date Climbed: May 1999, and August 200  Sucess!

My May 1999 climb was my first time up Shasta, and it was by myself. I started hiking at 3:05 am from the Bunny Flat parking lot, and to my frustration, the snow at the lower elevations had not frozen solid during the night. This made for an unpleasant hour of postholing. Finally, at about 9,000 ft, I reached firm snow. At 7:50, I reached the summit, snapped a few photos, then began the long descent. I got back to my car at 9:59 am.

My August, 2000 climb was with two other people. Ryle and I reached the summit without any trouble. The other guy we were with didn't do so well.

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