Luciano136 - Mar 1, 2006 7:15 pm Date Climbed: Feb 26, 2006
Trail on southwest side
I took the trail between Eagle Roost and the 2 tunnels as I wanted to go on a short stroll. It didn't look like there was any significant snow from the road, but once the trail goes around the back (north side), there was about 1-2 feet of snow with drifts up to 3 feet. As the trail is really short, I went for the summit anyway but it took quite a bit longer than anticipated.
Route Climbed: Unnamed Saddle Date Climbed: Aug. 6, 2000
This was part of a hike of Pleasant View Ridge. The top of Mount Williamson has great views looking towards the Mojave Desert and overlooking Devil's Punchbowl County Park. Continuing west along the ridge, we summitted Pallet Mountain (7,760 ft.), dropped into Burkhart Saddle, and then up to Will Thrall Peak (7,845 ft.). Finally, further west along the ridge, we got to Pleasant View Ridge Mountain itself (7,983 ft.). The scenery on this ridge is not only beautiful, but varied. On our way to Pallet Mountain, we saw the strewn wreckage of a small plane that had hit the mountainside. Finally, the great vanilla scent of the Jeffrey Pine rode in on the breezes along the ridge.
Climbed up the normal trail up to summit 8214 then onward to the Hundred Peaks summit 8244, great spot for lunch and a view, then onto the true summit 8248ft, the real high point of Pleasant View Ridge. Then I hiked down to summit 8160, cool peak the down the slope to Goodykoontz Peak, named after a very important person in the Hundred Peaks Group. Its the high peak directly set behind Williamson Rock.
Route Climbed: Islip Saddle Date Climbed: June 15, 2005
I hiked to the top on my way across the ridge to Pallett Mountain, Will Thrall Peak and Pleasant View Ridge. I took the Burkhart Trail back down, through Cooper Canyon and Buckhorn Campground.
theronmoon - Mar 4, 2005 10:02 am Date Climbed: Dec 12, 2004
Route Climbed: PCT Date Climbed: 12/12/04
Wish I had brought my axe and crampons, lots of icy snow patches on steep slopes. Very windy. great views though, especially of the desert.
Route Climbed: Trail from Islip Saddle Date Climbed: November 7, 2004
A cool and breezy November morning. Stiil a fair amount of snow left from an unusual late October storm. This could be fun to ski if there were more snow.
Route Climbed: Islip Saddle Date Climbed: August 23, 2003
A great day hike dragging along my roomate. Running up the end I proved to myself that I'm still not much of a trailrunner. I'll stick to hiking them for now. A great apocalyptic red sunset looking back down towards the LA basin.
Route Climbed: Southbound PCT from Hwy. 2 Date Climbed: May 16, 1986
I've been up this many times from many routes but picked this one to log since it was an early "date" with my wife Lisa about a year before we got married.
Route Climbed: Northwest Ridge from Devil's Punchbowl Date Climbed: June, 1997
Climbed the north summit from Devil's Punchbowl via the northwest ridge, then descended the northeast ridge. Steep use trail at first, then cross country with class 3 dirt and conglomerate slopes nearer the summit. Encountered more class 3 on the descent, then dropped into the canyon bottom to avoid a large gendarme. Over the course of the day I was overtaken by the flu, and by the time I was thrashing down the creekbed in the dark, I was nearly halucinating and scared that I'd be locked in at the Punchbowl parking. Turns out the gate doesn't really close, so I made it out OK.
Luciano136 - Mar 1, 2006 7:15 pm Date Climbed: Feb 26, 2006
Trail on southwest sideI took the trail between Eagle Roost and the 2 tunnels as I wanted to go on a short stroll. It didn't look like there was any significant snow from the road, but once the trail goes around the back (north side), there was about 1-2 feet of snow with drifts up to 3 feet. As the trail is really short, I went for the summit anyway but it took quite a bit longer than anticipated.
Augie Medina - Feb 18, 2006 12:37 am
Route Climbed: Unnamed Saddle Date Climbed: Aug. 6, 2000This was part of a hike of Pleasant View Ridge. The top of Mount Williamson has great views looking towards the Mojave Desert and overlooking Devil's Punchbowl County Park. Continuing west along the ridge, we summitted Pallet Mountain (7,760 ft.), dropped into Burkhart Saddle, and then up to Will Thrall Peak (7,845 ft.). Finally, further west along the ridge, we got to Pleasant View Ridge Mountain itself (7,983 ft.). The scenery on this ridge is not only beautiful, but varied. On our way to Pallet Mountain, we saw the strewn wreckage of a small plane that had hit the mountainside. Finally, the great vanilla scent of the Jeffrey Pine rode in on the breezes along the ridge.
theronmoon - Dec 5, 2005 10:31 pm
Route Climbed: PCT Date Climbed: 8-05Climbed up the normal trail up to summit 8214 then onward to the Hundred Peaks summit 8244, great spot for lunch and a view, then onto the true summit 8248ft, the real high point of Pleasant View Ridge. Then I hiked down to summit 8160, cool peak the down the slope to Goodykoontz Peak, named after a very important person in the Hundred Peaks Group. Its the high peak directly set behind Williamson Rock.
CNC Dave - Oct 31, 2005 10:00 pm
Route Climbed: Islip Saddle Date Climbed: 10-30-05Nice steep trail with great views and cool deep canyons. Much
more enjoyable than expected. There are several good trails
that connect to this route.
thomascanty - Jun 28, 2005 11:39 am
Route Climbed: Islip Saddle Date Climbed: June 15, 2005I hiked to the top on my way across the ridge to Pallett Mountain, Will Thrall Peak and Pleasant View Ridge. I took the Burkhart Trail back down, through Cooper Canyon and Buckhorn Campground.
theronmoon - Mar 4, 2005 10:02 am Date Climbed: Dec 12, 2004
Route Climbed: PCT Date Climbed: 12/12/04Wish I had brought my axe and crampons, lots of icy snow patches on steep slopes. Very windy. great views though, especially of the desert.
EC Ryder - Jan 17, 2005 6:43 pm
Route Climbed: Islip Saddle Date Climbed: April 18, 2004On top by 0830. Cool and clear on top after the snow. Lost trail at upper section (sorry Manzanitas!!)
WRGruener - Jan 14, 2005 5:24 pm
Route Climbed: Unamed Saddle Date Climbed: )ctober 2003With rusty 6 the day the winds started really whipping the fires out of control.
kellymoe - Dec 27, 2004 2:20 pm
Route Climbed: Ridge above the tunnels Date Climbed: december 22 2004Saw a bobcat and one bighorn sheep on my way to the top. T-shirt weather.
Steve Larson - Nov 7, 2004 1:54 pm
Route Climbed: Trail from Islip Saddle Date Climbed: November 7, 2004A cool and breezy November morning. Stiil a fair amount of snow left from an unusual late October storm. This could be fun to ski if there were more snow.
rusty6 - Aug 1, 2004 2:18 pm
Route Climbed: Islip Saddle Date Climbed: October 2003Climbed up with my dad in some dangerously strong winds. Had a great wiew of the fires.
RobertCharlesAltman - Jun 22, 2004 12:58 am
Route Climbed: PCT from 2 Date Climbed: 11/8/2001Great hike up PCT to the summit. I enjoyed the wonderful views and the peace, the peace was great. I ran down PCT to the bottom!
Rob - May 22, 2004 5:44 pm
Route Climbed: PCT. from S. from Unnamed saddle(AKA Kratka T.H.) Date Climbed: 5/22/04Nice hike. Met a couple PCT thru hikers heading N. Envied them, they will be hiking for 5 more months! to Canada.
bikegirl - Apr 29, 2004 7:18 pm
Route Climbed: Southbound PCT from Hwy. 2 Date Climbed: May 16, 1986My future husband dragged me up this one.
WhereAmI - Apr 23, 2004 3:15 am
Route Climbed: Islip Saddle Date Climbed: August 23, 2003A great day hike dragging along my roomate. Running up the end I proved to myself that I'm still not much of a trailrunner. I'll stick to hiking them for now. A great apocalyptic red sunset looking back down towards the LA basin.
Scott M. - Feb 16, 2004 6:27 pm
Route Climbed: Southbound PCT from Hwy. 2 Date Climbed: May 16, 1986I've been up this many times from many routes but picked this one to log since it was an early "date" with my wife Lisa about a year before we got married.
tonyo - Dec 18, 2003 4:29 pm
Route Climbed: Islip Saddle Date Climbed: VariousIt can be unclear where the true summit is. I have found the summit log at different places on different days.
kdonaldson - Nov 16, 2003 11:57 pm
Route Climbed: unnammed saddle Date Climbed: November 23, 2002nice cool day as I remember with good views.
Tom Kenney - Nov 14, 2003 1:58 pm
Route Climbed: Northwest Ridge from Devil's Punchbowl Date Climbed: June, 1997Climbed the north summit from Devil's Punchbowl via the northwest ridge, then descended the northeast ridge. Steep use trail at first, then cross country with class 3 dirt and conglomerate slopes nearer the summit. Encountered more class 3 on the descent, then dropped into the canyon bottom to avoid a large gendarme. Over the course of the day I was overtaken by the flu, and by the time I was thrashing down the creekbed in the dark, I was nearly halucinating and scared that I'd be locked in at the Punchbowl parking. Turns out the gate doesn't really close, so I made it out OK.
Tom Kenney - Nov 14, 2003 1:53 pm
Route Climbed: Islip Saddle Date Climbed: May, 1994Did as a day hike. Some snow near the summit. Nice views