This is a cool climb in a remote wilderness, don't think many people go here, as it's not as glamorous as Black or Cowen. A fun little alpine scramble with great views of the Absaroka/Bearthooth mtns. Good views of Delano, Black, Marten. Lone Peak visible, along with the Gallatins, Bridgers, Crazies, and maybe the Snowies.
Getting There
Past Livingston, down towards Paradise valley, take a left onto route 540/East river Rd. Turn off on Deep Creek South Fork Rd, and continue up until you reach a quaint little trail head, Trail#38. Hike up the trail to the pass (the last mile or so is steep!), pretty nice trail considering its in a burn the whole way. 5 mi from trailhead.
Once at the delightful pass, take a hard right, and pick your way up through the tallus to the ridge/false summit, once you get to the ridge you will see Mt McKnight staring you down, and either follow the ridge/cut down through the bowl to the base of the NW ridge. Follow the NW ridge as much as possible (3rd or 4th class) until you are standing on the peak! If you go left you could pick your way over to Delano, but it might be easier to take up off one of the ridges earlier on the trail and pick your way up through cliffs to the ridge.
Red Tape
Its wilderness in Montana, appreciate that these places exist, inform yourself.
When to Climb
Summer would probably be better, but fall is nice, though a bit cold and windy.
Wilderness, camp where you want, treat it nice. Though its totally doable as a day hike, only 14-16 mi round trip.