From the top of 11,600 foot Dead Horse Pass at the head of the West Fork of the Blacks Fork the view north unfolds in a dizzying array of colors and textures. Clockwise from the bottom:
Deadhorse Lake
- Allsop Pass
The Cathedral??? (the peak poking up behind Allsop Pass)
- "not-quite-Mt-Beulah" in the middle
- West Fork Blacks Fork canyon (10 miles to the road)
- the western flank of
North West Wasatch
- Ejod Lake (the small one dead center)
I put this pic on the Beulah page because the mountain is part of the major ridge that ends at Allsop Pass. You cannot see Beulah from here but it is just on the other side of the mountain in the middle of the page. June 2002. Fuji Velvia 50.