Getting There
First you must drive Highway 150 south from Evanston Wyoming, or east and then north from Kamas Utah. The North Slope (gravel) road heads east from Highway 150 either just south of the Bear River Lodge, or two miles north of the Bear River Visitor Center. After following the North Slope Road for two miles, turn right and follow the main road all the way (don’t turn right and into the scout camp) to the trailhead. The road is usually a washboard, but any car should be able to make it.
Blue = Northeast Shoulder Route.
Route Description
From the trailhead at 9150 feet elevation, follow the East Fork Bear River Trail east. There is a 4-way trail junction just after the trailhead, but go straight (the trail that crosses this one is the Bear River-Smiths Fork Trail. The trail drops down to the river at 8900 feet elevation, and after a few miles of following the trail along the river; the trail reaches a meadow with some very old “tie hack” cabins. These cabins were built during the 1860’s in order to cut timber for railroad ties for the Cross-Continental Railroad. Continue following the trail along the river at a gentle grade. After 4 miles, you will reach a trail junction. Turn left here on the trail posted for Allsop Lake. The trail switchbacks up the slope to climb past some waterfalls that the Left Hand Fork spills over. The trail returns to the river and you will follow the trail past the rugged Mount Beulah for 3.2 miles from the junction. This is at N40*47.027’ and W110*41.796’. Notice the little steep stream north east of The Cathedral that is on the 7.5 minute Red Knob topo map. This is where you leave the trail. There are several campsites in the area. Cross the Left Hand Fork of the East Fork Bear River (yes, that’s the official name of the river!), which can be tricky in June and July. Follow the extremely steep stream to its near its head and to where the Northeast Shoulder is highly visible. The summit of The Cathedral is to the southwest.
This broad slope forms the only viable route up to the summit. Head south (several variations possible) with much scrambling (up to 3rd class) and circle around slightly east, and then west to the summit. The route is not that easy, but is fairly easy to find.
Joseph Bullough updates my info and adds some details:
As stated in the route description, there are several variations possible. The talus slope is very broad at the base, and there are many possible lines which may be followed to the summit ridge; the best plan is simply to follow the path of least resistance, since there is a lot of loose rock and scree on the slope. Just aim for the notch at the top of the ridge, as shown in the route overview photo, and you'll get there eventually.
From the small notch the summit is reached via a short (±200 feet) traverse northward, staying just below the ridge on the left (southwest) side.
Enjoy the incredibly spectacular views of the rugged surrounding peaks from this seldom-visited summit.
The Northeast Shoulder route is clearly visible from Mount Beulah. After much searching on all sides of the mountain, this still remains the only practical route we found to the summit. All other routes are blocked by cliffs and the rock is too crumbly for technical climbing.
Essential Gear
A good pair of boots is needed.