Ultra-Visible Landmark
I wasn't going to write about features that have been covered, but checking the years-ago dates visited, we need something from yesterday. Notch Peak in the House Range is so unique, it must be written about once more. Looking to the west, Captain Simpson named the range in 1859. Locals also recognize the "little-Notch peak" due north of the original and facing south.
Getting there:
Many miles of dirt roads probably keep the average tourist away. Those roads are good because of the lack of erosion in the desert. Notch Peak can be seen from Nevada's Border Inn, and from many other locations in Utah, 80-plus miles away. Unusual, colorful, layered rocks are on both sides of the rocky road to Sawtooth Canyon. Park your vehicle past the pioneer cabin. The foot-trail continues past the wilderness signs and is mostly easy to follow. Beautiful pines trees of various descriptions are everywhere!
While in the area
You will notice a power plant about 45 miles to the northeast of the Peak. A 714-foot high smokestack can be seen for more than 60 miles. Twice a day, 100 train-cars of coal leave Wellington. It travels through Price canyon and out Spanish Fork canyon toward the plant. The water comes from another dam on the Sevier River, near Delta. Los Angeles writes a check for the coal and sends it to Utah. Imagine how many good-paying jobs this provides.