Nurn’s Romp 80’- 5.8/** This is fantastic hand crack to warm up on. It is the most obvious route on this side of the formation. The start has a bit of easy off width, then into the crack with all the medium gear you want. The old guide book calls for your to jump across the void on your left at the top to walk off the route. No worries, only a 10% chance you might go to the hospital. Or…you can simply rap Exorcist with a 60m rope which should be your next route anyway, a super classic 5.10a. Just walk the ledge out right. Not knowing this, I soloed down the east side, only to look up and see a feature rap on that side as well. Dow
Exorcist Area, West Face of East Wall, Hall of Horrors, Joshua Tree National Park, February, 2011