Old Topo Maps of Guatemala

Old Topo Maps of Guatemala

Page Type Page Type: Album

The Collection

Included in this album are old topo images of Guatemala. Special thanks to Corax for providing a great link to some great but obscure map sources. As I get the chance, I will include the names of prominent peaks and volcanoes in the captions of the maps. Caution, these are old topographic maps and, while they are useful for getting a sense of the terrain, much has changed since these were published. Towns and villages have appeared and disappeared, trail routes have changed, and roads have been built.


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ChristianRodriguez - Jan 26, 2009 8:00 pm - Voted 10/10

Thanks a lot!!

I didn't see before this great collection. Thanks a lot for sharing us.


mmcguigan - Jan 27, 2009 10:52 pm - Hasn't voted


Glad you like them. There has been a lot of changes since these were published! How was your trip to Spain?


BLong - Sep 19, 2009 3:09 pm - Voted 10/10

Great maps!

Here is a link to some more


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