Mountain Osjecenica is situated in northwest part of Bosnia and Herzegovina. A mountain high is 1795 m, and belongs to middle size mountains. Mountain massiveness is 30 km long. From her side there is canyon of the river Una and her confluent Unac, and other side three big fields, Medeno, Bjelajsko and Petrovacko. Mountain Osjecenica's peak is just above edge of the forest and its cut off that’s why it is called Osjecenica. On the top its very narrow and almost a kilometer long plateau from which sides are dropping rock cliffs which offer perfectly good and wide sights on all of the sides. Mountain is rich with flora and fauna, especially distinguish the flower edelweiss which is kind of a symbol of mountaineering and alpinist. Fountain of water are rare, from Petrovac's side the nearest fountain is Gorana and from canyon of the river Unac nearest fountain of water is Ajzer well. Neighboring mountains are mountain Klekovaca (which separate mountain notch Ostrelj) and Grmec (behind recently said big fields in petrovac’s valley).
Mountain was researched by botanist and biologist Franjo Fiala late 1891 year. First hiking description was noted year 1965.Year Mehmed Salkic, Trouble with Osjecenica. It was marked year 1969. Year 1971. Mehmed Sehic mention that it was marked by Mehmed Salkic.
Getting There
First outset for hiking is town Bosanski Petrovac
Bosanski Petrovac – Zagreb 200km
Bosanski Petrovac - Split 190km
Bosanski Petrovac - Sarajevo 260km
Bosanski Petrovac - Bihac 54 km
Bosanski Petrovac - Banja Luka 100km
Recommended paths:
1. Over Kolunic
From road crossing in Bosanski Petrovac we take a journey toward town Drvar 5km and turn left into the village Kolunic. From the left side of turning there are remaining ruins from middle aged church. We got off the main road on macadam which goes through out the village and we follow forest macadam road. On the first crossroad we can use two routes:
a. Turn left and follow the road for 500m then we track the mark off road to the right which goes trough out the forest and we follow (forest road) to the barracks. Coming out to barracks we follow the forest road straight to the hiking road (final part) which is marked with a board and then we follow the markation till we reach field under peak of the mountain. On the field we have options to go left over the gorse trees or right over the cliffs.
b. Follow the road to the right and on the first crossing we take a turn left on the road which takes us over to barracks which is described on the route. From there we follow the route which from this direction will come to us from the right side.
2. From Ostrelj and partisans locomotive, we follow the markations 16 km till we reach the barracks. From there we take the route like its described in 1a, just now the mountain road comes to us from the left side.
To barracks from Kolunic and Ostrelj we can get with jeeps or a small vehicle with a higher trunk. Although these routes are also suitable for mountain biking. Route 1a and the final part of the mountain path can be done just by hiking on foot.
Red Tape
No red tape.
Hiking can be done in one day. There is not a mountain house. If you are interested in spending a night you can camp in the forest in a good tents (there are not special places for camping ) or in a motel No9 on the main highway M5.
GPS coordinates
Osjecenica peak: N44 31.154 E16 15.321
Final mountain path: N44 30.816 E16 16.238
Barracks: N44 31.085 E16 16.414
Gorana spring: N44 31.859 E16 18.017
External Links
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