A great trekking stove for extreme conditions. Features separate cartridge for stability, windshield and collapsible legs. Operates off Coleman resealable cartridges 100, 250 or 500. Uses the Constant Power System to provide extra performance in low temperatures. CPS also helps maintain the power of the stove as the cartridge empties.
It used to be my favorite stove untill I saw the PocketRocket. Now I mostly lend it to friends and I'm thinking of selling it.
Pros: Bombproof. The construction is very sturdy and the center of gravity very low. Also both the base and the pan support (actually the same structure) are large and stable. It's packed size is reasonably small.
Cons: Heavy. Five times the weight of the PocketRocket.
It is better fitted to the multiday backpacker who wants the extra comfort than the weight concious mountaineer.
Having read this great article I dug out this old fella to test liquid feeding. It does have a preheat tube, so everything was good to go. It worked as it should, giving a better burn than before from the almost empty canister. Now I need to test in low temps...
Nikolas_A - Dec 30, 2003 4:20 pm - Voted 4/5
Untitled ReviewPros: Bombproof. The construction is very sturdy and the center of gravity very low. Also both the base and the pan support (actually the same structure) are large and stable. It's packed size is reasonably small.
Cons: Heavy. Five times the weight of the PocketRocket.
It is better fitted to the multiday backpacker who wants the extra comfort than the weight concious mountaineer.