DSC - P200


DSC - P200
Page Type Gear Review
Object Title DSC - P200
Manufacturer Sony
Page By coloradoattorney
Page Type Apr 5, 2005 / Jan 29, 2007
Object ID 1302
Hits 4573
This Camera is easy to use. Very small. No need for a zoom. Dummy proof. Offering a very high-resolution 7.2 megapixel CCD, a 3x optical zoom lens, and an expanded range of nine preset Scene modes to choose from, the P200 is a capable, yet very very very compact. The P200 is an excellent option for rank beginners and more experienced users alike, a nearly ideal "pocket" camera to pack along when there just isn't room or time to accommodate a larger or more complex model on a tech climb.

The camera's AF illuminator helps the camera focus in dark conditions (even in total darkness), and works well with the Twilight scene modes. The camera focuses quite well in dim lighting, even with the AF illuminator turned off though. This plus exposure times to 30 seconds gives the Sony DSC-P200 very impressive low-light capabilities. In addition to the 3x optical zoom, the P200 also features up to 4.6x Smart Zoom, Sony's current implementation of "digital zoom." Unlike most other digital zoom functions, Sony's Smart Zoom does not resample the image, so no image deterioration occurs as a result: Pixels are simply cropped from the central portion of the sensor's image, and packaged as a separate file. When the optical zoom reaches 3x, Smart Zoom takes over, if enabled in the Setup menu. The maximum total magnification available for 5M images is 3.6x, 3M is 4.5x, 1.M is 7.2x and VGA is 14x. (Note though, that as a result, "Smart Zoomed" images will always be restricted to sizes smaller than the camera's full resolution.) There's also a Precision Digital Zoom option, which digitally enlarges the image to a maximum of 6x (that is, a 2x digital magnification in addition to the 3x optical zoom) regardless of the camera's resolution setting, with slightly deteriorated quality due to the digital "stretching" of the image.

The Sony P200 has a real-image optical viewfinder and a large, 2.0-inch color LCD monitor for framing shots. In our testing, we found the LCD monitor to be very accurate, but the optical viewfinder was very "tight," showing only 80-84% of the final image area depending on the lens zoom setting. An information display on the LCD monitor reports a handful of camera settings (including aperture and shutter speed) and features an optional live histogram display as well. The histogram graphs the tonal distribution of the image, giving you a quick idea of any over or underexposure.

This is an all around climbing camera that you can actuall use.



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mullendarin - Apr 5, 2005 1:28 am - Voted 5/5

Untitled Review
This camera does not need a zoom the with 7.2 Megapix and 2 meg Ram. This is the best camera for climbing. It will go anywhere and it is tough. Sony makes a great camera. This is the best. We did Longs peak last week in the snow, wind, and weather. You want a tough cam that you can carry and protect in a waterproof case. This is the best on the market.

Ruvi DeVas - Apr 5, 2005 1:32 am - Voted 5/5

Untitled Review
Don is right. We used this camera last week and it really takes a great foto. For the $$$ it is your best bet if you like geting out and enjoying nature and not carrying a huge camera. This will even do movies. Two megs is huge. Enjoy!

petrovic_md - Apr 5, 2005 1:58 am - Voted 5/5

Untitled Review
I bought a Huge Cannon and I can not carry it. It has a great zoom but that is it. This little tiny Sony has very little zoom but more 7.2 megapixels. This is a super litle camera. I am ditching the Huge Monster in favor of a camera that I can take on a long hall. You can carry this camera and capture any image very very very well.

Rick Huff - Jul 29, 2005 12:19 am - Voted 5/5

Untitled Review
I have been very pleased with this camera. After taking it on Mount Rainier and North Cascades climbs this summer, I have nothing but good things to say about it. It takes great pictures and contrary to other reviews is easy to download. It's ultra compact and light. The battery doesn't hold up too well in the cold, so I carry an extra. My friends with other digital cameras lust after it and it's pictures.

2skinners - Jun 28, 2007 5:08 pm - Hasn't voted

This camera rocks!!!
I have used this camera on almost all of my climbs. It takes great pictures and it is one of the only point and shoots that I have found that has attachments to where you can add a wide angle lens to it, or a polarizer, or other filters. It is small, lightweight and can fit into just about any pocket. For most of my climbs I have a small pouch for it and it hooks right to my belt loop. If you haven't bought a point and shoot yet, I highly recomend looking into this camera. It is well worth the money!!

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