Ignition II


Ignition II
Page Type Gear Review
Object Title Ignition II
Manufacturer Spark R&D
Page By OJ Loenneker
Page Type Oct 18, 2009 / Nov 28, 2009
Object ID 6467
Hits 2744

Product Description

The only Splitboard Specific strap binding on the market at this time. (edit: Not anymore)


A comfy full plastic highback with a series of holes that conveniently allow for use of a booster strap near the top of your boot. Use of a booster strap can decrease edging fatigue while on longer tours.

Lower profile hardware.

The same amazing cube and straps as the Missionary binding.




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96avs01 - Oct 26, 2009 9:47 pm - Voted 5/5

So much
better than my old setup of Voile Sliders with Burton P1 bindings. Would recommend these bindings in a second, with no reservations. I did upgrade from the Bent Metal straps to a Burton strap setup to save a little weight. Will Ritter at Spark RnD really does a great job!

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