Maxim 9.8


Maxim 9.8
Page Type Gear Review
Object Title Maxim 9.8
Manufacturer New England/Maxim
Page By Alan Ellis
Page Type Mar 23, 2004 / Jan 20, 2007
Object ID 1050
Hits 4742
Certifications and specs are important, but what makes Maxim a premier climbing rope is durability and excellent hand. The folks at New England Rope take extra care to ensure that every Maxim rope is easy to knot, easy to clip and durable. Maxim dynamic ropes are manufactured with 48 sheath yarns, stabilized yarns, and high twist levels. This ensures maximum abrasion resistance, minimum shrinkage, and a round tight sheath.

UIAA approved, Maxim dynamic ropes are extremely flexible and torque-balanced to produce a construction that is free-running, knots well and handles easily in all situations while providing the fall protection and abrasion resistance required in climbing applications.



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Alan Ellis - Mar 23, 2004 9:32 pm - Voted 5/5

Untitled Review
I found this rope on the internet for $81.00! This is one of the best gear purchases (for the money) I've ever made.

I highly recommend Maxim ropes. This rope is smooth, soft, and light. It feeds well into my belay device and the knots stay in place. This rope has replaced my primary lead rope.

Scott Rogers - May 11, 2007 8:54 pm - Hasn't voted

Very Durable Rope
I've had a Maxim 9.8 60m for the last four years. It has worked wonderfully. From sport to traditional to casual top-roping, this rope performed very well, with minimal fraying. I am very impressed with the integrity of this rope. I just recently retired it after four years of use. It probably lasted me 700 pitches.

EverydayExplorer - Sep 18, 2007 4:55 pm - Voted 5/5

I have the Maxim 10.2 and it is very workable. The selling feature though is the fact that it has two sheath patterns which makes it impossible to accidentally pass the half way mark.

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