Place Names of Glacier National Park


Place Names of Glacier National Park
Page Type Gear Review
Object Title Place Names of Glacier National Park
Manufacturer Riverbend Publishing
Page By FlatheadNative
Page Type Sep 5, 2008 / Sep 5, 2008
Object ID 5565
Hits 5889

Product Description


Place Names of Glacier National Park, by Jack Holterman contains facinating descriptions of the various places in Glacier National Park.

The book details both Native American and European names as well as the story that makes history.

Plan on reading this book before traveling to Glacier National Park as it will help you gain a deeper appreciation for the rich history of this area.


The author contrasts the differences between the Native American view of life functioning more as a verb versus the European way of looking at life as a noun. An enlightening contrast to be sure.

He also eloquently introduces the reader to the Kootenai, Blackfoot and Cree languages.

The book lists each area alphabetically so finding particular places is easy.



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