Gannett Granite Tetons trip - late june 2010

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Gannett Granite Tetons trip - late june 2010

by arm » Fri Apr 16, 2010 11:39 pm

we're looking to head to Wyoming around mid-june ... might start with a Wind River backpack, check out Gannett Peak ... then do some climbing in the Tetons ... maybe wrap up the trip on Granite Peak in Montana

a couple quick questions ...

folks say the bugs are ferocious certain times of year ... is late june reasonable ?

we're hoping the snow pack in june will help cover some of the infamous scree that friends tell tall tales of, depending on which routes we take

any good recommendations on "stuff we shouldn't miss" while we're in the area ? great climbs, peaks, routes, sites, anything ?

we're open to anything ... could be rafting or kayaking down rivers, biking somewhere, etc

thanks ! winterhiker-gmail


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by MattGreene » Sat Apr 17, 2010 1:41 am

I've been to the Winds twice in late June. The first time was perfect - no bugs and only the passes were snow covered. The 2nd time (last year) was still a cool trip, fun and without bugs, but snow was absolutely everywhere. It was a bad mix of tons of snow and very hot temps. There was no firming up overnight. Even with snowshoes on I'd sink to my waist at the crack of dawn. Fresh avalanche debris littered many slopes, and I witnessed a few cornices collapsing (one directly above a route one of the workers from the local sports shop had taken hours previously). I had planned a week-long backpack from the Cirque of the Towers up and around Mt. Hooker, but instead ended up making a few short trips, to the Cirque, to Eklund Lake (not sure of the name), and to climb SquareTop. Even Squaretop, typically a class 2, was a serious adventure given the too-mushy-to-self-arrest conditions.

So, I'm guess what I'm saying, is it all depends on conditions. I'll be heading out there again this summer. My plan is to call the local sports shop a few days before I leave and get an update on conditions. If they're good, I could be in the Winds as early as June 20th (would love to team up with someone to climb Gannett, by the way). Otherwise, I'll head elsewhere and try to hit the Winds in August.

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by markv » Sat Apr 17, 2010 6:10 am

This link is for the continental divide trail:

but i think it will give you some general advance idea of conditions in the Winds. Looks like an average year. From my experience, that means the high country mosquitos (between 8000 and 11,000 feet...above that will be no problem) will hatch sometime close to the last week of June. Tons can happen between now and then, and that's just a guess based on 3 times i was there in late June to early July, but it should give you some idea.

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by CBakwin » Sat Apr 17, 2010 2:48 pm

In my experience, Gannett will be the big question as to bugs. Tetons and Granite, not so much. June is early but as said, it depends on the year.

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by builttospill » Sun Apr 18, 2010 11:23 pm

I can't comment on Granite/Gannett really, but be prepared for the Tetons to be very snowy still up high. This can complicate the rock routes obviously, but it can be dealt with depending on your experience level and comfort. I don't think you'll have a problem with the bugs in the Tetons at all....probably not the Winds either, depending on how much snow they're getting this spring.

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by b. » Tue Apr 20, 2010 4:58 am

You might be early enough to beat the bugs in the Winds. They at least will not have time to hit full ferocity by then. The Tetons are a crapshoot. I've climbed awesome alpine rock with perfect snow approaches in mid June and I've been turned around by full on winter conditions that time of year. Based on the snowpack this year, I'd say you might get lucky. It's been summer-like for weeks up here. Granite is the same, but I'd say you're pretty likely to run into lots of snow in places up there that early. But that could make it easier going on the plateau.

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by Doublecabin » Fri Apr 23, 2010 8:12 pm

Don't expect "normal" conditions in the NE Winds. Snowpack is way down in the SW Absaroka. A few years ago I got into Bomber Basin and well above the falls just hiking Mid May. a few days later it snowed up to 30" in places and that heavy snow stayed around in places until August. Saved our proverbial bacon.

It seems bugs have been ratcheting up in later June the last few years. There might be a moist weather pattern in coming weeks. If we don't get our normal hard freezes into mid May and there's some moisture to make standing water bugs could be bad again. I of course 'am not a bugnosticator, but I thought it might be fun to play one on the internet.

I might be hiking on the Buffalo Plateau North of Bonneville Pass by the second week of June this year if conditions persist. As early as you are wherever you go you might have some fairly serious stream levels. Please be safer than sorrier, I think drowning was or is the number one cause of death in Yellowstone?

I'm not a climber but hike a good deal. With an ice axe you might be able to go far this June. The Grand Teton Climbers Ranch is a great place to get out of the weather, and if you're 28 or under your cheap AAC Junior Membership gets you in for half price. Some people at the Ranch don't even bother going to Lupine Meadows, they just go up the creek a mile and a half or so and then up Burned Wagon Gulch. Being south facing I bet you get a fair ways into Garnet before encountering any real issues. People at the Ranch will have a handle on current conditions for you. Always people looking for partners too.

Have a great time and thanks for spending some of your vacation dollars in Wyoming.

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Re: Gannett Granite Tetons trip - late june 2010

by fsclimb » Thu May 13, 2010 8:44 pm

arm wrote:
we're hoping the snow pack in june will help cover some of the infamous scree that friends tell tall tales of, depending on which routes we take

any good recommendations on "stuff we shouldn't miss" while we're in the area ?


Don't miss La Casa- a historic Mexican restaurant there

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by Doublecabin » Fri May 14, 2010 12:19 am

Some locations in the Winds got 40" of HEAVY snow in this last blast. Snow will be lighter West of the Continental Divide. Lots of Climbers at Climbers Ranch for work week June 7-13. Should be lots of climbing available in the Tetons to by then this year. Ofc oruse things could change.

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