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PostPosted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 12:39 am
by bubbles
I personally think that he can do it. He seems mature, determined, and fit enough. I just wish my dad would let me do this.

PostPosted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 1:09 am
by Scott
With all do respect Scott, first of all you are against the 13 year old hiking

I said there was no way I would let my 13 year old climb Everest, not that I was against any 13 year old hiking. But yes, I do agree with some of your points.

but then because you don't like my wording, I'm arrogant.

Calling everyone an idiot that doesn't agree with you and calling someone an a-hole in the same sentence of your brag is arrogant IMHO.

I would think the people who think a climbing resume with some impressive peaks on it, is needed to have an opinion on this are the arrogant ones

Agreed, but an opinion it doesn't have to come with the name calling and attitude (especially if one is new to the sport). It gets tiring because it happens so often. Maybe I just get tired of hearing such stuff messing up an interesting thread/debate. I've done the same thing too, so I guess I shouldn't be pointing any fingers. No harm done; I just didn't like the way the opinion was protrayed.

If you want to see extreme cases of what I'm refering to, look at the comments of any newspaper article that is printed after a climber is injured or dies.

I guess from a much older perspective I can say that it can be a mistake to get too wrapped up in your kid's climbing resume, or your kid's sports achievements, or whatever.

Touché; I agree. That wasn't the point of my post though. Have to read between the lines.

PostPosted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 1:23 am
by splattski
Bubbles, for get "let me." I wish my dad WOULD PAY for me to do it. But I'd feel a little sheepish asking him (he's 80).

PostPosted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 2:12 am
by MoapaPk
Nothing will kill a 13-year-old faster than global warming (or reality TV). Instead of Everest, he should try for the Four Cousins, the highpoints of countries that begin with "D."

PostPosted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 2:23 am
by John Duffield
MoapaPk wrote:Instead of Everest, he should try for the Four Cousins, the highpoints of countries that begin with "D."

wow. The Four Cousins. Does that have an SP Page?

Countries starting with 'D' are:
•Democratic Republic of the Congo (in Africa)
•Denmark [Kingdom of Denmark] (in Europe)
•Djibouti [Republic of Djibouti] (in Africa)
•Dominica [Commonwealth of Dominica] (in the Caribbean Sea)
•Dominican Republic (in the Caribbean Sea)
. Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK)

PostPosted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 2:37 am
by Hotoven
dynamokiev98 wrote:I think even majority of people on this site would be too afraid to do Denali..

I think your wrong... :D

Have you seen Denali's climbing log. Impressive if you ask me.

PostPosted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 2:42 am
by Hotoven
MikeTX wrote:wow, ayla brown is hot.

If I were that kid, I would hit that so hard! :D

PostPosted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 5:37 am
by chugach mtn boy
dynamokiev98 wrote:
Mihai Tanase wrote:For my last speech on the subject, let me paraphrase the famous quote "War is too important to be left to the generals." from the Tiger of French politics during WWI, Georges Clemenceau : Everest is a mountain too serious to let the kids play on it.

Did you just quote someone from FRANCE on subject of WWII/war in general???? France surrendered without a fight as I remember.

Holy moly, dyna, you need to brush up on your history AND your reading comprehension! The Europeans on this forum will think we are all morons over here. :oops:

PostPosted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 7:15 am
by billisfree
Remember the 8-year old girl whose father wanted her to be the youngest to fly a plane across the USA?

She, her father, her instructor... all died in a crash half way across.
The FAA made new rules after that.

No sooner than this 13-year old succeeds, some sick parent will try to get their 10-yr old to climb Mt. Everest. On and on it goes...

STOP trying to be the youngest person to do THIS and THAT!

These kids belong in school! Got a problem with that?

PostPosted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 7:19 am
by Marmaduke
MoapaPk wrote:Nothing will kill a 13-year-old faster than global warming (or reality TV). Instead of Everest, he should try for the Four Cousins, the highpoints of countries that begin with "D."

PostPosted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 8:06 am
by Marmaduke
billisfree wrote:Remember the 8-year old girl whose father wanted her to be the youngest to fly a plane across the USA?

She, her father, her instructor... all died in a crash half way across.
The FAA made new rules after that.

No sooner than this 13-year old succeeds, some sick parent will try to get their 10-yr old to climb Mt. Everest. On and on it goes...

STOP trying to be the youngest person to do THIS and THAT!

These kids belong in school! Got a problem with that?

PostPosted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 9:08 am
by MoapaPk
dynamokiev98 wrote:
Mihai Tanase wrote:For my last speech on the subject, let me paraphrase the famous quote "War is too important to be left to the generals." from the Tiger of French politics during WWI, Georges Clemenceau : Everest is a mountain too serious to let the kids play on it.

Did you just quote someone from FRANCE on subject of WWII/war in general???? France surrendered without a fight as I remember.

Ahhh, he quoted GC on WWI, NOT WWII. And IIRC, France had a serious underground outside the Vichy gov't; it's a bit tougher when war is on your own soil. The Maginot sentries kept pounding the axis long after the "surrender" was finished in WWII.

PostPosted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 2:24 pm
by Lolli
I have been wondering... what's it to you, if he wants to climb Everest? It's up to him.
You cannot force a kid up a +8000 mountain. The drive must be there, within himself.

If someone else is to be whatever, youngest/oldest/blind/crippled/, doesn't demean somebody else of what they achieve. Live and let live.
If he wants to try, it's his call. Provided that he got the means - it also seems to be some jealousy of fact that he's got funding.
Well, as I see it, if you want something bad enough, you make it happen. There's always priorities - excuses are for those who doesn't want it, deep down.

Besides, there are mature and immature 13 year olds. Some hasn't left childhood att that age, some already provide for their entire family.

PostPosted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 3:43 pm
by ridgeline
Didnt that Lord Tennyson guy say; It is better to have climbed and lost, than to have never climbed at all.

PostPosted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 5:48 pm
by chugach mtn boy
dynamokiev98 wrote:I don't need to brush up on anything
1940s WWII timeline: ...
I think if you are to quote someone from that era it would have to be someone from Soviet Union, Britain, or US...those 3 actually lasted : )

Dude, Clemenceau was from World War I. And the post you were ridiculing said so. But as a dad who was once asked, "Dad, which came first, World War I or World War II," I won't be too hard on you, grasshopper. Sigh. It's a generational thing. :roll: