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Yet another Scottish windfarm threat

PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 10:03 am
by Dan Bailey
Yet another crazy highland mega-windfarm proposal in the pipeline. This one would spoil the views from Beinn Dearg, Fannichs, Wyvis. The non-industrialised landscape is being eaten away piece by piece; if we don't object to each and every inappropriate development proposal in turn then this simply will not stop. We need to say strong stuff to the relevant people, over and over again. And, in the longer term, seek to tighten up the planning laws to bestow real watertight protection on the most valued landscapes. Boring, I know. But my unborn grandchildren demand no less!

You can read about and then (naturally) object to the latest outrage here: ... chart.html

Takes about a minute. Unless you get stuck into writing the planning authorities a long tirade. I've got to stop doing that.

Anyway, the deadline for registering your opinions (either against or, God forbid, for) the lochluichart porposal is fast approaching. Don't delay, rant today.