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Climbing partners/advice for Frankenjura

PostPosted: Fri Jun 26, 2015 8:24 am
by ryandjen
We are a climbing couple from Colorado traveling Europe with our climbing gear. We sport climb single pitch routes and Ryan can comfortably lead a 6 (5.9).

We are currently in Berlin and are looking to spend one more week in southern Germany before heading to another country.
We would like to climb Frankenjura and are looking for climbing partners or any advice/suggestions you may have for us.

Specifically, we are wondering if we really need to rent a car. We understand that the area may be better seen with a car but we also tend to spend more time at a single wall so If there is possibility of walking or biking to some good climbing to keep us entertained for a couple of days we would prefer to avoid renting a car.

Alternatively, if you are in the area and would like to meet up please let us know!

Jen and Ryan