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Re: Summit quizzes

PostPosted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 8:51 pm
by hansw
From another thread:

hansw wrote:
Rick B wrote:You guys are still playing this? Amazing! :D

Maybe care to try your hand at the Summit Quiz? The current quiz needs some experienced clue-crackers, and the thread needs some fresh people. Diego and visentin seem to be just placing random guesses and I'm running out of clues other than the mountain's name ;) ;)

I tried to find that hut in connection with a 1200 meter high north face. But no. :(

Re: Summit quizzes

PostPosted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 9:50 pm
by Rick B
Aha! Gert has the correct checksum! I declare him the winner, but I'll leave it up to him when to say the correct name and altitude, to leave the others puzzling if they want to. In any case, #99 is yours gert!

According to google, one of the "winkels" in question is mentioned 130 times on ;)

PS. Sorry Diego, I overlooked your question, but the mountain wasn't in Otztal but you were getting closer.

Re: Summit quizzes

PostPosted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 11:36 pm
by gabr1
what kind of answer is 19/3?

Re: Summit quizzes

PostPosted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 10:24 am
by gert
I got no time for #99 as I'm leaving for Argentina in a few days - better climbing then guessing :D

The one who gives the mountain and the altitude has #99! Visentins "roofbrickmountain" was the clue for me.

Re: Summit quizzes

PostPosted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 10:30 am
by gert
gabr1 wrote:what kind of answer is 19/3?

It is the checksum and the last digit of the altitude - this way others can continue guessing.

Above Diego guessed Ramudelkopf (3357 m) the checksum would be 3+3+5+7 and the correct answer 18 / 7

Re: Summit quizzes

PostPosted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 10:56 am
by gabr1
Is it hochgolling?

Re: Summit quizzes

PostPosted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 12:30 pm
by Rick B
#98 Hochgolling (2863 m)


And gabr1 picks up the prize left by gert! The next one is yours. Hochgolling is the highest mountain of the Niedere Tauern group in Austria. It is quite an impressive chunk of stone, that towers over the neighbouring mountains. The hut was the lovely Golling hut. If you follow the valley up from the hut, it will lead you to the "Gollingwinkel", a lovely meadow with horses and nice and flat. It ends in an amphitheater, closed off by the massive 1200m high north face of Hochgolling (see SP page for pics). Unfortunately, when I was there it was hidden in clouds (you can see from the hut pic what kind of weather we had).

Other clues:
clue 4:

This of course referred to the famous 'Dachstein' massif nearby.

clue 5: (The cloverleaf) This referred to the nearby "Klafferkessel", a high plateau with about 30 lakes and ponds. I'm not sure if you can actually see it from the summit, it was so rainy and cloudy when we were there, but it's not far in any case.

clue 6:Our mountain has a SP page (Here). The infamous "winkels" referred to the Gollingwinkel (130 hits on SP), and the Goriachwinkel (another meadow) on the other side of the Gollingscharte (a saddle just out of sight on the left in the first pic)

clue 7: Referred to the mountain group it is part of (in fact it's the highest), the Niedere Tauern. Right next to this range there are the Hohe Tauern ("sound higher") with the Grossglockner and Grossvenediger.

Now I can finally add my pics to the Hochgolling page :)

Re: Summit quizzes

PostPosted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 1:31 pm
by visentin
"Roofbrick" wasn't far :D

As for improving the interest in this quizz, One of the things I would do is to limitate it to the borders of Europe, as it is in the Europe category, it would be more fair. But of course US and others could participate, and similarly, US quizzes, Asia quizzes or world quizzes could exist in other categories.
In my opinion the saint rule of the altitude that must be given, so dear to Diego, is a bit odd...
Finally I think that quizzes could be not always about recognizing a mountain. One could post all kind of riddles or enigms, that do not always have a mountain name as answer. That would be fun no ?

Re: Summit quizzes

PostPosted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 1:39 pm
by gabr1
Wow, this is a nice afternoon surprize. :D
Since i'm rather new to this quiz, i'll take some time to think about a decent aenigma. But you will find it here this evening. By the way, do photos have to be mine?

Re: Summit quizzes

PostPosted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 2:02 pm
by Rick B
visentin, yes you were so close with your roofbrick :D ... a missed chance!

I don't think we should limit the entries of this quiz to Europe, but rather move the thread to the 'general' board instead? I'm sure the elves can do that at the blink of an eye.

As for other types of riddles and enigms, the title of the thread is "Summit quizzes", so I think we should stick to summits / mountains... Or perhaps allow other riddles, but add the requirement that you have to solve them while you are on top of a mountain ;) The higher the mountain you were sitting on while solving it, the more points you get :D

gabr1, they do not have to be necessarily your photos, but if you use other peoples' pictures you have to:

a) link to them, but then the link might disappear and we are left with a red X, or the link location gives away the answer to the quiz. It is also polite to cite the source of the image, but this could also be a problem in terms of giving away the answer.

b) The other option is to copy it to your own website, or to SP, but you should ask the owner of the picture before you do this, not only because of common decency, but also possible copyright problems. Although the quiz might seem a harmless purpose, you are bringing a new copy of a picture in the world without the copyright notice that might have been on the original page, so somebody else could then copy it off this thread etc.

So in short, it's better to use your own photos, but there's no "rule" against it or anything. Good luck with thinking of a new quiz!

Re: Summit quizzes

PostPosted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 3:32 pm
by Diego SahagĂșn
visentin wrote:"Roofbrick" wasn't far :D

As for improving the interest in this quizz, One of the things I would do is to limitate it to the borders of Europe, as it is in the Europe category, it would be more fair. But of course US and others could participate, and similarly, US quizzes, Asia quizzes or world quizzes could exist in other categories.
In my opinion the saint rule of the altitude that must be given, so dear to Diego, is a bit odd...

It's the way the thread started. I must admit that I worded the rules bad but I've already corrected them. Sorry, the rules have grown from the proper threads' progress, so I'm not the rules' inventor.

Re: Summit quizzes

PostPosted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 3:48 pm
by gabr1
Ok,i might have found a mountain, i have my own photos and everything. It will be online when i come back from the gim tonight, but, what are the rules?

Re: Summit quizzes

PostPosted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 3:57 pm
by Diego SahagĂșn
visentin wrote:As for improving the interest in this quizz, One of the things I would do is to limitate it to the borders of Europe, as it is in the Europe category, it would be more fair. But of course US and others could participate, and similarly, US quizzes, Asia quizzes or world quizzes could exist in other categories.
In my opinion the saint rule of the altitude that must be given, so dear to Diego, is a bit odd...
Finally I think that quizzes could be not always about recognizing a mountain. One could post all kind of riddles or enigms, that do not always have a mountain name as answer. That would be fun no ?

No, the quiz is not limitated to Europe's mountains just because it's in the Europe thread. I don't why "Summit quizzes" was put there and I've protested more than once about it without having had a logic answer. Concerning those type of cles, you can add them but the leader must assum that "Summit quizzes" is not "Who is he?" and a mountain can hardly be connected with those enigmatic rules

Re: Summit quizzes

PostPosted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 4:04 pm
by visentin
Diego, I mean that the goal of quizz could be something else than a mountain name, I'm not talking about how clues should be given.
For example we could imagine a quizz like "who did the first winter ascent of...."

Re: Summit quizzes

PostPosted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 4:10 pm
by Diego SahagĂșn
Yes, you could add a clue about it but the goal of the quiz is not to give the mountain's first climbers. Though it could be a fact wich could connect with the correct quiz's answer.

Concerning the last quiz, both gert and gabr1 knew the correct complete answer but gert didn't show it to all of us or the leader. So I think that gabr1 should be given as winner. But firstly he should talk to gert who really wants to start a new quiz. If gert wants he should add a new one because I think he knew the name of the mountain though he didn't show it